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Maeno Tomoaki

Tap on the Colossus Room

The things I've done for my honorable master do not even come close to paying back the debt of gratitude I owe.

No harm shall come to Master or Miss Nina on my watch—whether in Umbraton, Lumopolis, or anywhere.

All who dare plot against the Andersens shall perish before my eyes.

I'm unable to bear the existence of filthy creatures like Eclipsites in the world.

Miss Nina's heart is pure and kind, and I shall guard her life with mine.

Although Sanae's lack of coordination may sometimes be a cause for concern, Miss Nina really likes her.

Is there anything more exhilarating than the sense of everything being neat, tidy, and in proper order?

How can some people tolerate such messes in their rooms? I simply cannot understand.

The Colossus has truly been arrayed in a stately fashion. Except with the constant crowd coming and going, it really need to be cleaned regularly.

Interact with the Colossus Room

I thoroughly cleaned the drinking glasses at the bar, so you don't have to worry about using them.

Change Assistant

Thanks for your kind invitation, but I just noticed some dust when wiping the handrail with my handkerchief. Allow me to clean the place first.

Battle Failed

I'm sorry. I greatly miscalculated.


Good thing I didn't dirty my clothing.

Unleash Chain Combos

Time to disappear.


Active Skill is Ready

I await your command.

Enter the Formation


Aurorian Ascension I

I still have so far to go.

Aurorian Ascension II

A rather novel feeling, I must say.

Aurorian Ascension III

I'll do my best to repay your trust.


It's chilly here, and I don't want you catching a cold. If you don't mind, I'll take you back to your room. I've already prepared your bed with fresh sheets and placed an aromatic freshener.

Upgrade Successful

Practice nurtures talent.

Voice Login

Alchemy Stars.

Happy New Year! I must go prepare the New Year's banquet now.

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

I was just wondering what you prefer in terms of flowers? I got some tips from a merchant from Cloud Island, and if you don't mind, I'd like to redecorate the dining table with some freshly-plucked flowers.

Although I hold you in great esteem, the same cannot be said for my exacting master. He would say you still have a lot to learn. But don't worry—I'll help.

I'm no mind reader. I simply anticipate what my masters and their guests will need, then make meticulous arrangements for them. This is a basic requirement of a butler who serves the Andersen family.

It's so much quieter now that I got rid of those nearby Eclipsites. How do you feel about accompanying me on a leisurely stroll?

A strict schedule is absolutely essential. Lost time cannot be gotten back, so calibrating my pocket watch is one of the very first things I do in the morning.

One's control over a situation—whether on the battlefield or in a business—is largely dependent on experience. You have genuine talent. I'd be happy to share what I've learned.

Just a moment, you have a tear in your clothes... It may not seem like much, but we can only take care of great things when we take care of the little things first. I'll have it sewn up in no time.

I decided to cook a meal as I had a free moment. Does it suit your palate? Oh, there's a spot of butter at the corner of your mouth. Let me wipe it off.

A gentleman must know how to dance, and I expect as much from a friend of Nina's. Well? What are you waiting for? Here. Hands on my waist. Let's begin.

You really are rather injury-prone. Please. Have a seat while I clean your wounds.

Huh? I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that. Please don't misinterpret my current state of tiredness. I'm just taking this rare bit of free time to rest up a bit. I apologize for worrying you.

As the butler of the Andersen family, I take it as my life's mission to always improve myself further in the direction of perfection, and I am far from it.

Happy New Year! I must go prepare the New Year's banquet now.

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

I understand you're busy, but I must remind you of the importance of regular mealtimes. Take care of yourself.

Would you care to try the blueberry and raspberry cheesecake or the vanilla souffle for early morning tea?

Might I recommend a bath, seeing as you're rather tired? I've already taken the liberty of running the hot water.

The importance of proper rest cannot be overstated. You may find yourself doubly as productive in the daylight hours if you look after your needs now.

Spring Festival Voice

Happy New Year! I must go prepare the New Year's banquet now.

Obtain an Aurorian

It's an honor to meet you. I'm Minos, and although I will remain the Andersen family's exclusive butler, be assured I'll do my very best to help you.

Receiving a gift

This is very thoughtful of you.

You're generous to a fault.

Receiving a preferred gift

I can't believe it... I will greatly treasure this.

You've discovered my preferences so quickly.

Release Active Skill

Let's finish this quickly.

Fear not. I will lull you to sleep using the most gentle of methods.


Shall I bring our haul in?

Aurorian Trivia I

The horn on my head did not break off by itself, but as a result of my mentor's... Never mind. It's in the past. Let bygones remain bygones. Would you care to refresh yourself with a mint and lime tea?

Aurorian Trivia II

One must always take great care of one's appearance. I remember how I once failed to entirely remove some blood stains off myself and gave Miss Nina such a scare that she refused to come near me for a very long time. It really broke my heart.

Aurorian Trivia III

There really isn't all that much to being a butler—apart from ironing, cleaning, making meals, entertaining guests; eliminating nearby Eclipsites, potential assailants, nosy troublemakers; as well as the occasional act of intimidation against harbingers of ill-intent.

The Captain's Entrance

Rest assured, leave the task to me.