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Unit Analysis by Team BethelFrankel


Healer that can copy the summons of other Thunder units and deal damage based on the number of Thunder active skills used.



(SS (T))


+T: Enables incredibly strong teams thanks to her copycat ability

+Top-notch healing output

+Amazing synergies within Thunder and even outside of the element


-– Copycat conversion relies on already established tile placement, and Breakthroughs on other 6 stars, to maximize
– Extremely stiff competition from Roy for the healer role in Thunder


Axelia seems like a complicated unit, but the basic gist of her kit is that she’s a healer (a very good one, at that) who can also copy summons from other Thunder units. These include Irridon and Yingel’s prism tiles, Bopper’s Lizard, Roy’s Bees, Chen’ni and Isa’s Dark Tiles, Nadine’s lantern, Reinhardt’s Air Raid Beacons, and more. Because of the wide array of abilities Axelia can copy, she finds her way into several staple Thunder teams—even ones that don’t need a healer! She’s the quintessential synergy unit, using other units’ strengths to lift up the entire team. One of her best is with MBT Roy, as together they can spam their abilities to the benefit of units like Tessa and Bethel.

She does have a few issues. First, her copycat conversion doesn’t convert tiles to Yellow. It’s still useful, but it does mean she relies on other units to get yellow tiles on the board for her to play off of. She also relies on other units having their Preemptive Strike Breakthrough (particularly characters like MBT Irridon or BT3 Chen’ni and Yingel) to fast-track her copying ability. None of that should stop you from getting and experimenting with her, though, as she’s already one of Thunder’s finest units and will only continue to get stronger as new units with new copyable skills are added.