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Unit Analysis by Team BethelFrankel


Extremely unique Converter with off-turn healing and Enhanced Tile generation.



(SS (T))


+T : Enables the best Enhanced Tile teams

+Good Enhanced Tile generation

+Access to acceptable healing


-Significantly, significantly worse outside of dedicated Enhanced Tile teams

-Very strict team requirements

-BT3 and MBT are huge powerspikes


Goldie has some borderline game breaking use cases, but extremely limited team building. Dedicated Goldie teams can easily topple other top Forest teams, which is no small feat; however, without a lot of very specific high rarity units to back her up, she’s worse than even 4-tile converters. At a baseline, Goldie is a poor hybrid between a pseudo reset converter and a bad healer; her Enhanced Tile output is just too random, and her healing is literally worse than Uriah. Her unique gimmick of phasing through enemies can be handy, but it’s inconsistent without significant support. Furthermore, she’s pretty dependent on breakthroughs, and even in her best scenarios struggles to compete with Forest’s other Best-in-Slot converters.

With that said, Goldie’s value greatly increases if you have many of the other Enhanced Tile synergy units like Minos, Jeriah, MBT Naroxel, BT3 Gabriel, and Paloma. Hiiro and Siobhan also obviously synergize with her, though her true value is in enabling teams that would otherwise struggle to output enough actual Green tiles. In these teams, she’s… pretty great! Just remember that these are highly specialized, fairly breakthrough-reliant teams; you shouldn’t chase Goldie if you don’t already have or plan on getting all the prerequisite support.