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Her Experiences

Every time I see Goldie, she has the biggest smile on her face... If we were all to face life with such a smile, no matter what troubles might come our way, perhaps they would not feel like troubles at all. As an idol, Goldie can bring sunshine and joy to everyone—I think that's why everyone likes her, right? Although she shines on the stage like the brightest of stars, when I see her playing with her dog, I'm reminded that this idol, who has garnered so much attention, is just a simple, warmhearted girl.
But then again, Goldie is actually very physically strong. When she first met %s, she thought %s was a fan too intimidated to speak to her, so she chased %s for five kilometers in high-heeled shoes and a puffy skirt, insisting on giving him her autograph. When she finally caught up with him, Goldie just said, "Huh? This is just part of being an idol." It's really true that passion and physical strength are essential for any idol...

Her Story (I)

To tell the truth, there's nothing special about me—I've just had a little bit of luck! I come from a very ordinary family. Although my parents were always busy, I knew that they were striving for a better life, so I was always alone.
When I was young, I thought that the most extraordinary thing in life was the world of the stars I saw on TV! Oh, and the marshmallow dog in that advert... Whenever I played alone in the street, I peered at the screens in a shop window—beautiful actresses dancing with grace and cute dogs like marshmallows frolicking around. I couldn't help but wonder if I could become like them one day.
That was how ordinary little Goldie found something she loved and began learning to sing and dance. As for how I changed, well, I got my lovely Marshmallow and became the Goldie everyone knows and loves, at least for now.

Her Story (II)

One memory I hate bringing up is the day I was taken hostage by robbers... But perhaps, I wouldn't be who I am today if it hadn't happened. I didn't know if I would survive when I was locked up in the dark car trunk. In the pitch dark, all I could see was the face of that marshmallow dog in my mind. I imagined beautiful things to fight off the fear inside me.
The moment those robbers opened the trunk, all I could see were their cruel faces. They were going to kill me to warn the other students. I had only one thought in my mind—that I had to protect everyone. "I have to... I have to get everyone out of here!" At that moment, I felt a strange power fill my body from head to toe. When the robbers attacked me, I subconsciously used Luminatics to defeat them. Perhaps this power... was the power of hope?

Her Story (III)

To this day, I'm still afraid of dark and cramped spaces... But I never feel sorry for myself. Although I began to suffer from claustrophobia after that, I also gained some wonderful abilities. If you think about it like that, a little fear of the dark is not a high price to pay for a little growth, right?
From a humble home to a grand stage, from an ordinary girl to a glamorous idol... We can always turn things around if we face life with optimism. When I chose to become an idol, everyone told me it was a risky career choice—after all, not everyone understands what being an idol really means. But I knew from the start that if people couldn't understand, I would have to try to let them see and figure out what it meant for themselves, then I could become a super-duper mega idol! My greatest wish is to let everyone find hope in life, and to prove that I can do anything as long as I work at it!

Her Story (IV)

These days, a lot of companies want to work with me, but I kind of miss that out-of-the-way venue on that rainy day... That was my first solo concert. After that, everyone saw me as Goldie, a singer who shines brightly on the stage with the most dazzling light. Every time I hear people say things like that, I feel satisfied with myself. I mean, what's more important than earning respect and recognition from the people you care about? Heehee! You like seeing me on stage? Thank you so much! Besides who I am on the stage, I like myself more when off stage.
Although I'm a little shy, whenever I encounter anyone bullying the weak, I can't help but put a stop to it... I was given this power for a reason. It's so cool being the ultimate idol on the stage and a hero protecting the weak off the stage! Don't you agree? Hmm... Sure, there are false rumors about me, but I'm not violent—I'm fighting criminals, after all! I'll try my best not to be found out by anyone—just you wait and see!