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Shizuka Ito

Tap on the Colossus Room

The kingdom of Ji possesses unique maritime transport conditions. It is because of this that we managed to develop an advanced trade industry.

Astra is home to countless unique specialties. I believe both continents can benefit from regular trade and cultural exchanges.

Traveling the world and interacting with its many nations is the purpose of our guild.

They're as disgusting as the slimiest of reefs.

I was adopted by the elder of the Lin family. He is my mentor, as well as my family. One day, I must show him the full extent of my gratitude.

My family? Mother died, and Father ran away. What else do you want to know? I'm not angry. Really, I'm not. I promise.

River snail noodles... Delicious.

I'm not used to sweet and greasy food or dry things.

Do you think this Colossus can sail on the sea?

Interact with the Colossus Room

The structure of this Colossus is similar to that of a ship. I wish to study it carefully.

Change Assistant

They say that if you want to thank others, you should return kindness with a smile. Thank you for inviting me. *Smiles*

Battle Failed

I don't know how to comfort you.


The moon has risen above the sea.

Unleash Chain Combos

Stay on course.

Wash the world clean.

Active Skill is Ready

The tide rises.

Enter the Formation


Aurorian Ascension I

Fair skies, clear course.

Aurorian Ascension II

I can do even better.

Aurorian Ascension III

May we sail on strong winds and break the waves.


When you board my ship, you should obey my command, or you shall walk the plank.

Upgrade Successful

Just like a fish in water.

Voice Login

Alchemy Stars.

Happy New Year.

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

You wish to know what lies ahead? It is an undercurrent, a dangerous reef, a tsunami that will engulf everything. But I chose this road myself and will follow it to the end.

Ship construction is not easy. It requires the systematic cooperation of shipyards, ports, and foresters. You command people to fight, which also requires coordination between various groups. That is also not easy.

There's no need for trite greetings, I don't care for them. I came to you to form a friendship.

Oil its oars, and a boat can row faster. Give a navigator a nautical chart, and a ship can find its way.

I didn't know you had such a strong constitution. It's impressive that you didn't get seasick and vomit in a storm as violent as the one we encountered just now. I'll take you to the boat race tomorrow, that should be even more exciting. Hmm? Why are you running away?

You're injured. Hmm, there there. You think I'm too cold? Then take off your clothes. I've just finished working in the sun, and my hands are warm. They're hot enough to help rub some ointment on you.

When you're free, I'll take you out to sea to hunt a legendary horned whale. You want to go now? No, I must send a boat out to scout things out in advance. I'll call upon you once I've made arrangements.

You set my pet fish free? Then you can replace it by becoming my new pet.

I look out-of-sorts? It's probably because I just reprimanded several of my subordinates, the fools. Don't go. You're not one of my subordinates! Don't mind me, just... stand there. By my side.

Everyone says that the sea is turbulent and ruthless, but it is much easier to face the sea than to face people.

Although there is a faster way... Forget it. If you want to catch big fish, you must be patient.

You've been a little down recently. Would you like me to comfort you? Oh, don't be unhappy. I obviously consider you my friend, but I can't bring myself to say those boring pleasantries.

Happy New Year.

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

Are you bored? Well, I'm not.

Want to see the sea in the morning?

The beauty of the world is akin to a sunset over the ocean.

Don't go out at night. If you run into an Eclipsite, you'll be done for.

Spring Festival Voice

Happy New Year.

Obtain an Aurorian

I'm Mu Yuebai, captain of the Shadowind. Unless you need something, don't come bothering me.

Receiving a gift

Why the gifts? This is so basic.

Oh... It's alright, I suppose.

Receiving a preferred gift

Very nice. Thank you.

Thank you very much. This is very agreeable to me.

Release Active Skill

Torrent, sweep in!

The sea is boundless and contains all within its grasp.


High tide.

Aurorian Trivia I

I was born with a serpentfish tail. Most people feel afraid when they see it. Oh? You don't fear it, but are merely curious?

Aurorian Trivia II

This Ancestral Bone Dagger was given to me by the elder of the Lin Family twice—once when I was born and once when my father left.

Aurorian Trivia III

My family name is Lin, but I later changed it to Mu. Why? Anyways, let me show you the Shadowind first. I improved its power system recently...

The Captain's Entrance

I shall not disappoint.