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Unit Analysis by Team BethelFrankel


Detonator that teleports and scales insanely well with Enhanced Tiles.



(SS (T))


+Free mobility taped onto a kit with insane damage

+Damage ceiling isn’t gated by breakthroughs

+Incredible team building flexibility


-Can feel a little clunky at BT0


Behold, the unit that finally dethrones Areia as the queen of Forest DPS units! Jeriah offers an unparalleled combination of damage and utility that rivals Azure in overall value. She is unreliant on breakthroughs, has a damage floor comparable to Bethel’s ceiling, and has unparalleled scaling with team investment. She also elevates Enhanced Tile teams from “acceptable sidegrade,” to “meta-defining” when paired with units like Naroxel, Goldie, and Gabriel. Her only drawbacks are her somewhat awkward cooldown and teleportation range BT0; both are quality-of-life issues that can be played around.