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Unit Analysis by Team BethelFrankel


Low CD converter with a handy teleport.



(S at BT3)

(SS at MBT (N))


+MBT (N): Insanely high conversion ceiling when played perfectly

+Select Tile Conversion… kind of.

+Active cooldown syncs with 4-Tile Converter cooldowns


-Worse than Tiny One at BT0

-Terrible tile output without MBT

-Requires forward thinking and planning in order to maximize tile output

-Meme-tier equipment


Tina is in an awkward spot. At BT0, she’s arguably the weakest Whale Converter in the game, and at BT3, she still lags behind the majority of whale converters. To make things worse, her personal damage contribution isn’t much better than a standard converter, which means it’s really hard to justify using her outside of secondary or even tertiary teams. Not a terrible unit if you get her to BT3, but far too gacha reliant for rather unimpressive performance.

That said, skilled players might find her to be very useful, and she has proven to be a strong asset in game modes like Codex. If you're one of those players that don't mind forward thinking and tile mapping, then Tina is the right unit for you. Everyone else, however, be cautious.