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Matsuri Mizuguchi

Tap on the Colossus Room

Umbraton is a very complex place. Though it often seems like it's filled with nothing but dark corners, there's also the occasional ray of light.

Lumopolis is the darkest place in the world. I hate it.

The shadow is watching you.

Eclipsites are as disgusting as the nobles of Lumopolis.

Grimme is always babbling on about this or that, but they're not bad since they're willing to chat with anyone.

I guess you could say Istvan is like my guardian. Without him, I probably wouldn't be who I am today.

Do you have any new newspapers? I've already solved all the puzzles in this one!

Is it okay if I skip vegetables today? Especially red cabbage—it's so gross...

So, it turns out there really are places in the world full of light and warmth...

Interact with the Colossus Room

I get this feeling, like nothing bad could ever happen here, only good things.

Change Assistant

Whatever you need to go out and do, know that I'll be there to protect you. No matter where or when, I'll always be there, your loyal Hati.

Battle Failed

This... sucks.


The sweet scent of victory!

Unleash Chain Combos

Blue blazing soul!

Crash and burn!

Active Skill is Ready

The blue flames flicker.

Enter the Formation

You can trust me.

Aurorian Ascension I

I'm stronger now!

Aurorian Ascension II

Let everything burn.

Aurorian Ascension III

Blue flames burn forever.


I'm feeling a little bored today. Why don't we play hide-and-seek? Do you know how to play? I can teach you, if you want. Oh, you do know? That's amazing! I just learned yesterday, too.

Upgrade Successful

Flame on!

Voice Login

Alchemy Stars.

I hope something truly memorable happens in the new year.

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

Sometimes fleeting fragments of memories flash through my mind, lingering only for a few seconds—impossible to grasp, let alone retain. Like fireworks, they soar and explode, then fade away without a trace.

I'm not a stray dog! I'm not a monster! I'm—Sorry, I had a nightmare just now.

I was deliberately hiding in the corner at the party, mostly out of laziness—socializing is such a drag. But I could tell there was someone interested in you. Hadn't you noticed? Forget it, you'll feel it yourself, eventually.

I need mental strength to properly control my flames. You're capable of directing everyone in battle all the time, I imagine your mind must be really strong.

This world holds too much malice. I've seen and experienced so many unbelievable things—things that taught me that the world possesses its fair share of darkness.

Sure, some memories are painful, but I'm in no rush to forget them. If you put the pieces together and claw out some sense amid the chaos, you might find the answer you're looking for.

Even if I look different from most people, I think and feel the same things as everyone else. I believe that maybe you can understand me because you and I carry the same kind of scent.

I have a gift for you. I made this slow-burning lamp myself—it just has a little bit of kindling inside, but I hope it can bring you some light and warmth in the dark.

Don't worry, my ear has already healed, you can touch it... It's okay, I quite like being touched by you.

I'm used to doing things by myself, but after meeting you, I feel like having a partner isn't all that bad either. Having you helping me out doesn't feel too annoying.

A lost child ignites a flame in search of lost memories, but doesn't realize that even the faintest flame can light the fire that burns down the world.

I believe in my own intuition more than I believe in societal rules. Rules always complicate things, that's why I believe instincts can help us find answers faster.

I hope something truly memorable happens in the new year.

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

If there's something you want to do, just go ahead and do it. Don't dilly-dally.

Try getting up early and basking in the sun. It'll make your whole body feel so warm and comfortable.

Did you have stew for dinner? Eat more meat and you'll have more strength to face life head-on.

Let's spend a peaceful night sitting by the fire.

Spring Festival Voice

I hope something truly memorable happens in the new year.

Obtain an Aurorian

Don't let the way I look scare you. Don't push me away just because of my appearance. I'm just an ordinary Aurorian—my name's Hati. If it's alright with you, let's be friends.

Receiving a gift

Mm, you can leave it here.

I should say... thank you.

Receiving a preferred gift

What a great gift.

It's an amazing gift, thank you.

Release Active Skill

Fire, spread!

Here I go!


You wanna get torn to shreds?

Aurorian Trivia I

I never got to meet my father... He passed away before I was born, leaving just this pendant, my only memento of him.

Aurorian Trivia II

I remember my mom was always so anxious and busy, and I always tried to get more attention from her. Looking back now, I was so childish. I bet all the adults couldn't stand me...

Aurorian Trivia III

I don't have many friends. Perhaps it's because of the way I look. I've never tried to do anything bad to anyone, but bad luck seems to follow me around.

The Captain's Entrance

I've got this!