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His Experiences

Logically speaking, someone like Captain Leo, who's always at the forefront of fighting Eclipsites should be the embodiment of rage and aggression. However, the person on the Colossus always has a pleasant smile and is easy to talk to. He seems to take an interest in everyone, is happy to listen to your troubles and often offers poignant solutions. Even though that doesn't quite jive with the image of a strict, majestic commander in the stories, he certainly comes off as a very approachable, considerate, good guy. My biggest impression of him is when I saw him feasting on roast meat in the cafeteria like a hog, then asking to acquire more of the same fare to share with his fellow Ironthorn Knights next time the Colossus hit the border. Because food is scarce out there, it's hard to get such good roast meat. I even shed a few tears thinking about how tough they have it protecting the rim... Not out of pity, though, but genuine respect from the heart.

His Story (I)

Why am I so happy? Because I love it here. You really run the Colossus well. This is a micro-society, a gathering of people from various classes, walks of life, and even opposing views. Yet, they all manage to get along, many of whom even find a sense of belonging. It just doesn't happen overnight and must be attributed to the owner and manager, which is you. No need to be humble. Truthfully speaking, you're probably better suited for governance than that haughty City Lord of Lumopolis. At least you wouldn't separate people into castes, or stick to that obsolete, corrupt political system. Heh, am I being too radical? Despite being a former Lumo noble, I've never been a real aristocrat, even before I was exiled—I was an illegitimate child of House Thomas anyway.

His Story (II)

You are curious about my history? Didn't I mention last time I'm an illegitimate child of House Thomas? I never met my mother, and my father forbade me to bring it up. But from the household grapevines as well as how he reacted to the rumors about that peasant, I realized my mother's status was the true taboo for the family. Regardless, I was still publicly acknowledged as a child of House Thomas, and enjoyed the lavish life and the right to tread on civilians just like any other young noble. However, the blood running through me refused to ignore the peasants' hardships, and the conflict with my station was eating me up inside. Out of the entire family, only my older half-sister treated me with kindness, though after our downfall, she was forced to stay in Lumopolis as a political hostage, and eventually a mistress to a nobleman... She never treated anyone as a pawn, yet she became one in the rotten system.

His Story (III)

After the family fell, I was banished to Twilight, relegated to being an ordinary civilian in a border town. Life is extremely rough out there, since Eclipsites would often strike indiscriminately, whether you're a citizen or a warrior. I thought I could join the knights in Twilight based on my abilities and reputation as a former Lumo Knight, but I forgot that the knights valued nobility status first and foremost, so no exile was fit to join them. The torment of the harsh life made me realize my determination was the only thing I could rely on. None of the past glories and vows to defend Lumopolis could even get you a stale slice of bread. After the paradigm shift, I grew to like the surroundings. Despite the treacherous environment and lethal encounters, Aurorians of different origins could at least put aside their differences, come together in Twilight and fight Eclipsites side by side. So do you know why I like the Colossus now?

His Story (IV)

I founded Ironthorn and recruited most of the expedition knights in Twilight. Unlike garrisoned knights, expedition knights usually have a civilian background or are exiled nobles. Originally, the local knights didn't give a darn about us, never including us in their deployments or allocations. It wasn't until the Ironthorn Knights had fought off the Eclipsites several times that they saw us as equals. That also did wonders for our reputation in Twilight, one built on spilled blood and sacrifices. I still cannot forget how several soldiers protected our banner to death in a brutal battle. I now carry on that very spirit regarding the banner, as I would tuck it under my armor ever since. I am the banner on the field.