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Unit Analysis by Team BethelFrankel


Converter with decent single tile performance when captain


S- (S+ at BT3)


+At BT3: Powerful select-tile conversion tied to a strong sniper

+Low-Cooldown select-tile conversion with decent tile output

+Open Wound stacks are powerful thanks to DEF ignore and CC buff

+Works incredibly well with Axelia, enabling Yingel to pull off impressive 2CD bursts


-Heavily reliant on BT3 to be played as a dedicated converter

-Open Wound build-up is very slow when outside the captain position

-Conversion can be tricky to set up


Originally underrated, Yingel offers a lot more than meets the eye. In addition to her low-Cooldown select-tile conversion—the main feature of her kit—she also has solid single-target damage thanks to her special Normal Attacks, which do extra damage and build up Open Wound stacks that let her hard-hitting Chain Combo ignore enemy DEF. All together, this results in a converter with good tile output and above average damage contributions for her class.

That said, Yingel has some notable caveats. First off, her special Normal Attacks only occur every other attack, which somewhat neuters their damage boost and slows Open Wound stacking. Second, because her conversion is limited to a five-tile cross, it can be janky and challenging to get maximum conversion out of her Active Skill. Finally, Yingel’s personal damage falls off a cliff against multi-tile enemies or when she’s not in the captain slot, a team role in which she faces stiff competition from Reinhardt and Luke. However, when used properly, she’s a beast of a unit and definitely worth your consideration.