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Her Experiences

The first time I saw her, Yingel was sitting down and going through files. My and %s's presence didn't startle or bewilder her at all. She was as cool as a cucumber, keeping her mind on what she was doing without losing a thread of focus. I couldn't help but sigh and wonder what kind of training and practice is needed to attain that composure... No, that's probably the trait she was born with. I could try for a hundred years and still get nowhere close!
I love Yingel's long, pretty hair, adding a touch of gentleness to her Illumina uniform. There's always a little birdie flying around her called... Aoha, I think? She would look at the bird lovingly like there was something on her mind. But you can't be a high-level Intelligence Officer without a file cabinet for brains, unlike a certain airhead... Yeah, that's it, airhead!

Her Story (I)

I was born to a normal family in Gannon City. Both of my parents are Illumina soldiers. Unfortunately, I hardly remember them now. When Eclipsites invaded Illumina, they went to war and entrusted the four-year-old me to Professor Ulysses. Because of work, he had to bring me to the lab with him. According to him, I bawled the first couple of days in the unfamiliar setting, but got used to exploring the lab quickly. To me, Professor Ulysses is a lovable uncle. He would pass book knowledge on to me. He's a wise, kind person who treated me like I was his daughter. He raised me, so he's both a mentor and a father to me.

Her Story (II)

Illumina fought a hellish war against the Eclipsites, suffering severe military losses despite utilizing the then-latest technology. I was four at the time and just starting to get to know the world, while my parents battled at the frontline to defend Illumina. Bad news of their sacrifice soon came. I wasn't quite aware of what that meant until I grew up and realized I became an Illumina soldier because it ran in my blood. Defending Illumina is a goal I share with my deceased parents. Of course, I didn't get to where I am now alone—I had help from Professor Ulysses. When I was seven, he asked if I would be interested in joining a fantastic program available only to talented children like me. I agreed without hesitation.

Her Story (III)

"How come you picked me for the program?" I asked him. He smiled and said he understood me better than anyone else in the world. Back when I was solving puzzles and playing chess games in the lab, he knew I was the perfect candidate. Superb focus, swift decision-making, impeccable reasoning, and cool and collected were just some of the labels, but they carried extra conviction from the professor. The Phospherus Program was pertinent to Illumina's future and I never regretted being a part of it. I also knew I must keep working hard and not be complacent about compliments. I've heard countless praises, but they don't necessarily translate to recognition but, rather, they hope that I could be counted on for Illumina's future. Yet when I failed, all those praises turned into merciless reproach. So all I could do is to perform each mission flawlessly.

Her Story (IV)

When I was thirteen, I passed Illumina's test and officially joined the History and Truth Committee as a Senior Intelligence Officer. As a reward for passing, the professor gave me a flycatcher that I named Aoha. I knew it wasn't just a reward but also a cautious reminder... Even without him saying, I understood what he was trying to get across—the prettier and more perfect something seems to be, the more fragile it is. As a soldier, I must remind myself to be ready to make the ultimate sacrifice for Illumina and to stay loyal. Occasionally, I would ponder if the Eclipsites didn't invade, or my parents weren't soldiers, or if I wasn't sent to Professor Ulysses, how would everything turn out? "Ifs" won't provide answers; it's all destiny. I will do anything and everything to achieve objectives as long as Illumina needs me...