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Her Experiences

Ah, speaking of Zarya... When she first boarded the Colossus, she seemed so prim and proper, and barely even spoke to the other Aurorians. I initially thought she'd find it impossible to adapt to life here, but then I realized that she was just overwhelmed by all the unfamiliar things she encountered aboard the Colossus, and she was constantly worried that she might do or say something inappropriate that might make trouble for the rest of us. But it all turned out to be not that big of a deal, especially after the Navigator reminded Zarya that she was doing a great job of staying calm and coping with the situation, considering the fact she'd been trapped in ice for a hundred years and had only recently been thawed out. The only problem is that Zarya seems to care a lot about what the Navigator thinks of her. When I took her to check out all the different kinds of devices we have here, she listened to me attentively, but when the Navigator came over to point out what she was doing wrong, she worked herself up into a foul mood, and only seemed to care about proving that she could operate the devices too. In the end, however, she managed to freeze a bunch of them...
Yep, Zarya really does get defensive whenever the Navigator involves himself in her business. Maybe it all can be traced back to the very first time he made fun of her... Alas, the Navigator should really learn to exercise a little more patience with her!

Her Story (I)

I was born in the snow-covered climes of Northland. My mother passed away all too early and my father was perpetually busy managing the family estate. Being a money-minded businessman, he was away from home all year round and traveled extensively. Given the circumstances, he obviously hoped that I'd grow up to be more sense than sensibility, so he wouldn't have to worry about me so much. But I was an innately sensitive child who possessed a strange talent—I could freeze anything around me without really even trying. Of course, when I accidentally froze our barn, carriage, and all our winter supplies, it caused more than a spot of bother on the estate. This caused my dad to become increasingly fed up with me, and whenever he went out, he'd lock me up at home, cutting me off from the outside world to prevent me from getting into trouble. I didn't have any friends, and the grown-ups rarely paid any attention to me, so playing with ice and snow was all I could really do for fun. And the only ray of light in my solitary life was secretly visiting my sister after training. She was willing to spend time with me, encourage me, and guide me—she was the only person I could count on.

Her Story (II)

I'm sure you must've noticed that more or less everyone from Northland can use magic. Hmm, that word sounds a bit childish, doesn't it? Maybe I should use the standardized term recognized by the Aurorians of this era—Luminatics... Ahem, though Northland's population may be sparse, everyone generally possesses some talent for Luminatics and can use this heaven-sent power to communicate with the universe. Among the children around the same age as me, some could speak with the trees, some could summon the rain to secure a good harvest, and some could even light up the darkest night... but my power brought nothing but insufferable cold and inconvenience wherever I went. The other children made fun of me, and the grown-ups thought I was cursed... In the eyes of today's Aurorians, these powers are simply Luminatics of different elements and degrees of intensity, requiring different methods of control. But in the distant era I lived in, at least in my eyes, my "magic" was a curse from the very start.

Her Story (III)

And then that fated day arrived. As captain of the village patrol, my sister was caught in the thick of the Aurorastorm incident and vanished without a trace. Though everyone tried to stop me, I insisted on going to Cedar Peak to search for her. Not even the extreme cold, the treacherous mountain paths, or the ferocious Eclipsites could stop me—I was determined to find and protect her, even if it would cost me my life. That was probably the first time I tried with all my might to use my "magic" in battle, freezing the Eclipsites and my surroundings alike. It was also the first time I had felt such a thrilling rush of power. But I still couldn't find my sister. Eventually, all I could see was a horrific battlefield strewn with the remains of monsters. So when that voice found me, I agreed to her request without a moment's hesitation. "Even if it's just this once, even if it costs me everything—please grant me the power to save my sister!"

Her Story (IV)

I accepted the power the ruins offered me. But I never expected I'd wind up losing control and freezing myself for over a hundred years. In the end, I felt the full devastating effect of my curse... Still, I wouldn't change a thing. I ultimately managed to save my sister and even helped all of Northland. My only regret is that I didn't train hard enough back then. If I could've controlled my power, then maybe... I wouldn't have made such a blunder. If it weren't for you, I might still be sleeping. Back then, I didn't dare to take the first step or explore that unfamiliar land. Even if I were to awaken, I was afraid I'd freeze myself again out of sheer panic and fear... So, you and Mr. Antony have actually saved me twice now. Tell me, do you have any wishes you still hope to fulfill? Even if it means risking my life again, I'd do anything to help you.