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Her Experiences

Please let us welcome to Soroz the master of Cloudrover Guild and one of the most successful businesspeople in Umbraton—Ms. Sheol! Okay, I'm feeling a little insecure, to be honest. I hope %s didn't sign any weird agreement. I mean, that shouldn't happen, right? Please don't misconstrue. I don't have anything against Ms. Sheol. Nor do I dislike her! Uh, anyway, with Ms. Sheol's help, Soroz will have a brighter future... Right?
This is probably a rude question, but how much is the Colossus worth? Or rather, how valuable is the Colossus? I don't think either %s or I have the answer for that, but I know Ms. Sheol can definitely give a convincing response. As for why I feel that way, ever since she stepped onto the Colossus, she had been measuring everything on Soroz with a business eye!

Her Story (I)

My guild is called Cloudrover, and your Colossus also roved the sky. Just from that alone, we have something in common, don't you think? As for why the Cloudrover name... Many thought I found it to be fanciful. Is that your thought as well? The reason is simple, really. I just wanted to commemorate my greatest hero—a tattered airship I found deep in the desert. I was able to expand my business because of it. Even though the guild acquired many advanced airships later, I've kept that original vessel in careful storage all this time!
It's a shame that the Cloudrover's airships aren't self-aware. Otherwise, I would really love to know what they're thinking since that might boost my business. Don't you get encouragement and inspiration from Soroz quite often?

Her Story (II)

Istvan? As you can see, the Shadowlord and I are strictly business partners, nothing more. You don't think so? Well, as you know, I'm a businesswoman. And since trust is a key factor in commerce, I will not lie to a customer. The relationship between Istvan and I—or more precisely, the Istvan Gang and the Cloudrover Guild—is one of "ordinary partnership". Although our first encounter dates back before the rebuilding of Umbraton, the growth of my guild has had nothing to do with the Istvan Gang's influence whatsoever.
Perhaps you've noticed I proudly referred to the Cloudrover Guild as "mine". That is indeed a fact, since I built it up from nothing. To me, it's not merely a guild; running it is much more than a simple career. Instead... Hmm, I think I've said too much. Any more and it's going to cost you. If you're interested in the stories, make sure you bring plenty of cash.

Her Story (III)

What? You noticed that, did you? Yes, I have some things I always carry with me. One of them is this Nightium. Nice vintage, purely minted. You can spend it and even defend yourself with it. How can you defend yourself with that? Would you like to test it? No?
The other is this pipe. My mother left it to me. When I was at a very young age, my mother's nemesis abducted me and left me in a desert. Fortunately, I was found and raised by kind locals. Later, when I came into possession of this pipe, my mother had passed for many years. Oh, dear, please don't look at me with that expression. The Shadowlord told me she was an amazing businesswoman. But I didn't know that when I decided to go into business myself. So, from that perspective, bloodline sure is interesting in how it guides our destiny, no?

Her Story (IV)

Was I too obvious? How did you guess I love to count money? But if you think I'm only concerned with loss and profit... You'd be dead wrong. While some opted for meditation and others for prayers, I could always find concentration and peace in counting Nightium. Well, don't mistake it for the facade a cunning trader would put on. Even though it's in a businessperson's—or rather, a capitalist's—nature to chase after profit... The sad truth is, that some made it the endgame and ended up with only money and nothing else. If that's how you see me like many others do... That will probably make me sad. Heheh. Good to know you don't think that way.
Well then, about leasing this Colossus... Should we sign a new deal?