Development and updates on this website have come to an end. There won't be any more update in the foreseeable future.
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Yui Ogura

Tap on the Colossus Room

Let bygones be bygones! I've slept so much that the past feels so far away... But it is pretty fun loitering over here while searching for our next target.

Illumina and Lumopolis seem to be full of nothing but dullards... As for Northland... Make sure you take me with you next time!

We are the conciliators of borderlands!

Hate them, hate them very much. Even if I was not so righteous, I would still want to pound their ugly faces in.

Things used to be complicated between Friegson and Cynthia! I heard Friegson even attacked her once, but now they're on much better terms!

Adras is a beast, whether it's combat prowess or magic you're talking about! Wait, Navigator, are you jealous? You're kind of cute when you're like this...

Why can't I like chocolate and other sweets?! Everyone else likes them, too... Shut up, you, not a word!

I hate Eclipsites and you. Oops, don't cry! I'm sorry... If you must know, I do like you better!

No thoughts are other than living comfortably, sorry.

Interact with the Colossus Room

Huh? Have you come to thank me specifically?

Change Assistant

Got it, got it! Leave it to the great Silent Saint and most powerful Freya, the "Requiem" from Silent Hunters, to help the useless Navigator! What, you're going to make me work? You mean it?

Battle Failed

*Sobs* How could this happen? Sorry...


Of course. Just appreciate me with all your heart.

Unleash Chain Combos

Forward and onward!

It's not over yet!

Active Skill is Ready

No survivors!

Enter the Formation

Alright... Step aside and let me show you!


La-da-da... I could get used to this laid-back life. Since you don't have much going on now, how about I chill with you out of the goodness of my heart?

Upgrade Successful

Wow! That's what I'm talking about!

Voice Login

Yeah, Alchemy Stars!

It's the New Year! Praise the time off!

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

Regardless, I'm a decorated soldier who will follow your orders into battle. Nonetheless, let's not get carried away here!

I was often called a saint, but I don't handle confessions and atonements. You'll have to see someone else for that.

Huh? Where are you, Navigator? Oh, there you are! You sure blend into the crowd, just like a wallflower!

Why Requiem? Because I can see spirits, such as those behind you right now... Just kidding, ha-ha!

Hovering around me without any precaution... You might just end up getting yourself impaled, Navigator...

Say, go make yourself busy. No need to keep an eye on me; I'm not going anywhere.

How about sparring me if you got nothing better to do? Don't look at me that way. I killed a wolf with one punch before... It would take even less to deal with you, poor little Navigator.

No matter how you count it, I'm not 19 yet... Or are you just dying to find out what happens to people who grill me like this?

On second thought, you're a nice guy... How about letting me call you "My dear" out of appreciation? You would? I was just joking!

It's a scanty costume? Well, considering my spells can fry Eclipsites into a crisp from a mile away, I don't have to be fully loaded like Adras!

You want me to call out to you like a cat? Are you okay in the head? I'm now very concerned about your mental health.

If I had impaled the Navigator for touching me just now, maybe they'd start calling me the "Untouchable Saint"... That does sound appealing, no?

It's the New Year! Praise the time off!

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

Any plans for the day? Nothing? Unbelievable... Want my input?

Morning! I thought you're going to sleep in till the afternoon. Anyway, good morning!

I've decided to schedule the Navigator's day! What? It's way past the time? Damn, just when I finally want to help!

Okay, I'm off now. You can take over the shift now, Navigator... What? No way? How could you say that!

Spring Festival Voice

It's the New Year! Praise the time off!

Obtain an Aurorian

Nice to meet you. I'm Requiem with the Silent Hunters. Anyway, let me do all the fighting and keep your klutzy self out of my way.

Receiving a gift

Hey, not bad.

Thanks... Stop looking at me!

Receiving a preferred gift

This is unexpected. I'll take it!

Oh, this is... uh, thanks! I like it very much. You're so nice!

Release Active Skill

Ashes to ashes!

Die, fool!


The thunder roars.

Aurorian Trivia I

Let me think. I'm pretty sure... I was born to a perfect family, so it makes sense for me to be this flawless, right?

Aurorian Trivia II

It's a boring job whether I'm a military chaplain or a drill officer, having to nag people older than me about repentance and following the rules all day! I expect grown-ups to behave themselves!

Aurorian Trivia III

Well, I don't know what was up with me. This is what I became after following the Claymore's advice. Still not bad though, right?

The Captain's Entrance

I promise to live up to your expectations.