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First Encounter

I am Druvis III. It's my pleasure to meet you. ... You said I didn't look very pleased? Hah ... How about now?

Suitcase Climate

Water travels from the ground to the sky, and then falls back; just as I, who come from the forest, and now go back.

To the Future

Perhaps when the dream of industrial society is realized,no one will ever cut down the dense forest. I am looking forward to that day.


... Are you also listening to the wind dancing on the treetops?


You brought me a gentle breeze on the field.


When the sun rose, the beasts kept silence. Then, I heard a bird flapping its wings. It's the first to leave the forest.

Bond: Morning

If you are lazier and get up even later, you won't see such a beautiful sunrise. ... Does it matter?


Tides of time rise and fall. Days and nights switch and whirl. The infinite loop will never come to an end.

Bond: Night

The night falls. The beasts howl. The owls sob. Their feet treading on the ground are just like the roots embedded into the soil.

Hat and Hair

The green eyes are inherited from my mother. Although I did not grow into a lady of the upper class as she wished ... ... I thank my mother for everything she left.

Sleeves and Hands

When I first saw trees and grass, I knew my life belonged to them.

Clothing and Torso

Gowns and heels will not stop me. I will jump into the woods, as I have done this countless times.


It is a pleasure to be alone in the forest. In a flash, cards of days and nights are shuffled.


Your excellence proves my insight.


I am not good at socializing with others, nor do I understand the truth behind ambiguity. Is that a loss?

Chitchat Ⅰ

There is nothing new for trees and grass.With no eyesight, nor hearing, they know it all. And I will lend an ear to their whispers.

Chitchat Ⅱ

After I brew my Celtic ale, I hope everyone will appreciate it.


Revenge is only the self-comfort of those who are drowning in the past, while I choose to look ahead.


Let's go where trees and grass grow.


You should not make an enemy of the earth.

Select Incantation Ⅰ

Hah ...

Select Incantation Ⅱ

Good timing.

Select 3-star Incantation

Just wait with bated breath.

Select Ultimate

The reticent woods are watching you.

Cast Arcane Skill Ⅰ


Cast Arcane Skill Ⅰ

No need to look back.

Cast Arcane Skill Ⅱ

Advice from the forest.

Cast Arcane Skill Ⅱ

Frostdew is the armor of the forest.

Summon Ultimate

I weave the gown with thorns. You shall repay with sacrifice of wounds.

Incoming Ⅰ

No need to worry.

Incoming Ⅱ


Battle Victory

Just like the prophecies of the woods,the scales have already been tipped in my direction. I win today, and so will tomorrow.


Thank you for showing me the beacon. It will allow me to go farther and deeper into the woods.

Bottom of Insight

From now on, I will see and understand more. You helped me, and I will give you an appropriate return.