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Chaos Butterfly

Chaos Butterfly
A product developed in Lorentz under the guidance of X, it is mainly used to determine the fluctuation of chaos particles in nearby regions and is commonly used to detect the use of arcane skills in the vicinity. The device is currently in the testing stage and will not go into mass production temporarily.

Design Supplies

Design Supplies
Consisting of a pen given by an orphanage, a number of sketches and an old book, Item Enchanting Essentials, it contains countless wild ideas and possibilities.


He calls it "a useless brass tube that just happens to be in my pocket," but judging from its odd shape, it is easy to surmise that it is a crucial part of a huge machine.

Broken Mask

Broken Mask
A broken white mask that likely came from a corner store having a Halloween sale. The respondent raised a question with a smile: Does the mask need the face that wears it, or does the face need the meaning the mask gives it?

Iron Hook

Iron Hook
A heavy iron hook stuck into an old leather coat, perhaps as an alternative to a button. "Look, you have to be a little kooky to be in our line of work. " the respondent explained. "It's practical and handy, don't you think? "

Unattended Call

Unattended Call
A severed telephone receiver that the respondent always carries with them. It obviously can't receive any calls, which makes the respondent's fondness for it obvious as well.