Development and updates on this website have come to an end. There won't be any more update in the foreseeable future.
More details here

The Sage

1-target attack. Deals 200% Mental DMG.
1-target attack. Deals 250% Mental DMG. Moxie -1 for the target.
1-target attack. Deals 400% Mental DMG. Moxie -2 for the target.

The Fool

Self counter. Enters [Taunt] for 1 round. When the caster is attacked, the attacker suffers 2 rounds of [Corrode]: when a round ends, takes (Target's Current HP ×15%) Genesis DMG, capped at 15% of Caster's Max HP.
Self counter. Enters [Taunt] for 1 round. When the caster is attacked, the attacker suffers 2 rounds of [Corrode]: when a round ends, takes (Target's Current HP ×25%) Genesis DMG, capped at 25% of Caster's Max HP.
Self counter. Enters [Taunt] for 1 round. When the caster is attacked, the attacker suffers 2 rounds of [Corrode]: when a round ends, takes (Target's Current HP ×35%) Genesis DMG, capped at 35% of Caster's Max HP.

Unexpected and Improvised

Mass attack. Deals 250% Mental DMG to all enemies. If the target is in [Corrode] status, then extends the status duration for 1 round.
Mass attack. Deals 280% Mental DMG to all enemies. If the target is in [Corrode] status, extends the status duration by 1 round.
Mass attack. Deals 310% Mental DMG to all enemies. If the target is in [Corrode] status, extends the status duration by 1 round.