Development and updates on this website have come to an end. There won't be any more update in the foreseeable future.
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Used by the owner extravagantly, both the paper and quill wore out very quickly. After the owner moved to the exile land, replenishing this set of tools was no longer a possibility. Thus, the vast, pale snow became his paper. Thankfully, he never had the habit of preserving his work.
Πάν Τσις
A parting gift from a poet friend. The scarf is well-made with smooth stitching and is very warm. The message that arrived with it reads "The dark wilderness hides a little beast running quietly."
A grey-headed chickadee that lives on some remote island, it has a wide range of expressions and movements. A poetry lover, a social butterfly and зима's chief spokesbird.
Technically speaking, it is the real "зима."
Technically speaking, it is the real "зима."