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Sir Fog

The gloomy rain in London never stops, in the past, the present and the future.
In ancient times, the fog brought about by rainy weather was the biggest headache for the defenders of the city. Thus, the Fog family, aka, Sir Fog, which could absorb the fog, was established.
They were hired by the officials of London to deal with the frequent fog in the city and restore visibility for the good of the citizens and military. Armed with their trademark black pointed umbrellas, they constantly weaved through the fog to find the location where they can work most efficiently.
Over time, the family became known as the Fogwalkers.
However, the industrial revolution changed everything.
The chimneys that were constantly built and the endless smoke and dust emitted in the city were pushing them to the limits of their abilities.
Nobody understood the dangers of these seemingly harmless fumes better than the Fogs did. They were distressed and called for help, yet their voices remained unheard.
Finally, the accident happened in the winter of 1952.

Oliver Fog

The memory of that winter day always jumps into his mind when he recalls the past.
On that day, the fog outside was so thick that it seemed on the verge of breaking the window. It was so dark that no light could be seen. London looked as if it had been swallowed by a poisonous snake, and all that everyone could see was a foggy, steaming hell in its belly.
Oliver's father kept coughing as if he was going to cough his lungs out of his body. His figure, which used to stand so tall, was now bent over and no different than a dry, withered branch.
"It's my, as well as our responsibility..."
The hand resting on Oliver's shoulder disappeared, and his father put on his top hat again. The moment he pushed the door open, the greedy fog immediately devoured that once lofty figure.
Oliver picked up his pocket watch, wore his bowler hat, put on his coat and rested against his umbrella, just like that lofty figure he remembered.
Now, there is a new Fogwalker in London,
but there would never be another person like his father.

8 Hours a Day

Oliver Fog: I have a question for you before the interview.
Pandora Wilson: Please go on.
Oliver Fog: How are the sales of your magazine?
Pandora Wilson: Objectively speaking, we're doing quite well.
Oliver Fog: That's good... *clears throat* The unscrupulous London City Council is exploiting children and has been enforcing overtime illegally! I hereby protest!
Pandora Wilson: ...?

Oliver Fog: On behalf of all workers, I hereby take my stance!
Oliver Fog: We demand an eight-hour workday, workers' compensation, and to leave work on time! Everyone should get off work on time! Friends, every minute you work overtime is a form of disrespect for your own life!

Oliver Fog: That's what I want to say, Miss. Have you written it down yet? If you don't have any more questions, I'd like to knock off.
Pandora Wilson: Is being interviewed also considered being on the clock?
Oliver Fog: Of course.