Development and updates on this website have come to an end. There won't be any more update in the foreseeable future.
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First Encounter

はじめまして。どうぞよろしくお願いします。 Ms. ... Timekeeper, is it?

Suitcase Climate

「雷神の少し響みてさし曇り雨もふらぬか君を留めむ」「雷神の少し響みてふらずとも吾は留らむ妹し留めば」 The customers in the cafe taught me this.

To the Future

I would like to be with the boss and children ... Now, and in the future.


どなたかいらっしゃいませんか? ... It's so quiet ... How is everyone in the cafe now?


Two gentlemen walked into a fine brick building ... Oh, Ms. Timekeeper! My sincerest apologies. I was immersed in a novel and did not notice you ...


Good morning. Would you like some tea or coffee today?

Bond: Morning

Good morning, breakfast is ready. There is miso soup, rice ... Are you not used to having rice for breakfast?


It's late. Are you still working?

Bond: Night

When I was in jail, the guard in the jail would tell me about the fun parts of his day once night fell ... I wonder how he is doing now.

Hat and Hair

私、お洒落はからっきし… でしたが、女将さんのご指導で少しだけ馴染むようになりました。

Sleeves and Hands

For my survival, I did some thing that resulted in me getting this ... accessory.

Clothing and Torso

Please don't ... Ah, you didn't mean to?


Hobby? I have never thought about it, because the only thing need to be worried about is the immediate future ...


すごいです ... There must be nothing you cannot do. If you wear a maid outfit, you will be great at this job too ...


Do children in Tokyo ... wear nice clothing? Oh, I just brought it up. Please do not mind me.

Chitchat Ⅰ

N- No, I won't steal anything anymore ... E-even if I take something by accident, I will return it right away ... Yes ...

Chitchat Ⅱ

「なくな雁 今日から我も 旅人ぞ」 ... I spoke about the past with customers at the cafe once. This Haiku was taught by them.


A safe place, clean clothes, delicious food, a stable job ... All these are like a dream. Thinking of waking up from this is ... terrifying.


Group crime ... Oh, no. It's nothing.



Select Incantation Ⅰ


Select Incantation Ⅱ

I will do as asked.

Select 3-star Incantation


Select Ultimate

What a great season.

Cast Arcane Skill Ⅰ

One rabbit, two rabbits.

Cast Arcane Skill Ⅰ


Cast Arcane Skill Ⅱ

My apologies ...

Cast Arcane Skill Ⅱ

Take advantage of adversity.

Summon Ultimate

Time to admire the cherry blossoms.

Incoming Ⅰ


Incoming Ⅱ

No ...!

Battle Victory

Is it over? That's great. Let's go back together.


Th-Thank you so much for your care ...

Bottom of Insight

Something seems to have changed, but ... not really.