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Ghost Catcher 2021k

Ghost Catcher 2021k
An unprecedented amazing machine. The round speaker has a special retro beauty of its time, and is able to capture and convert ghosts into energy. It emits heat and rumbles lightly when it functions. “Like carrying a kitten on your lower back!” That's her conclusion.

New Science Exorcism Office Logo

New Science Exorcism Office Logo
A delicate piece of handcrafted embroidery. The simple design is the interviewee's work. She claims that this logo is on everything she uses (clothes, blog, notes, etc.) and is left everywhere she goes, and that she does so for the sake of her business.

Beautiful White Lily

Beautiful White Lily
An oddly-shaped lily. Its name is also Lily, according to the interviewee. It is capable of devouring ghosts, "educating" them and sending them to "reincarnation." In some rare cases, it lets out laughter that sounds like an AI's.