Development and updates on this website have come to an end. There won't be any more update in the foreseeable future.
More details here

First Encounter

Hello, I'm Lisa (Louise)!

Suitcase Climate

Wanna play dodgeball with Lisa (Louise)?

To the Future

Um ... I hate changes.


It's okay, it's okay. Let's play together.


Are you here for Lisa or Louise (Louise or Lisa)?


There are two pats of butter on mommy's pancake. There are two glasses of orange juice on the table. Mommy is a good mommy. I love my mommy.

Bond: Morning

Do you want some orange juice? Make it 3 and stay with us forever.


Daddy is home. Sometimes he's home early, sometimes late. Most of the time he will bring us gifts. Daddy is a good daddy. I love my daddy.

Bond: Night

No, no! I don't want to brush my teeth!


There are two pats of butter on mommy's pancake. There are two glasses of orange juice on the table. Mommy is a good mommy. I love my mommy.

Bond: Morning

Do you want some orange juice? Make it 3 and stay with us forever.


Daddy is home. Sometimes he's home early, sometimes late. Most of the time he will bring us gifts. Daddy is a good daddy. I love my daddy.

Bond: Night

No, no! I don't want to brush my teeth!

Hat and Hair

Scrunchies, clips, golden hair, good daughters, cute daughter! Hahaha!

Sleeves and Hands

Rock paper scissors! Rock paper scissors! I win!

Clothing and Torso

I get taller now!


Alright! There is only one thing I don't like, but I can't remember what it is!


This little thing is for you. It can move and make noises.Squeak! Kiki! Hahahaha!


How can people just show up whenever I want to play?Is it the same for you?

Chitchat Ⅰ

All work, no play, makes Jack a dull boy.

Chitchat Ⅱ

Dave used to be bad! He is strong, loud and he bullies others. But, one day he became a good boy.Now, he is our best friend!


I don't want to be alone. Luckily I'm never alone.


I wanna go, I wanna go too!


New friends.

Select Incantation Ⅰ

Catch them catch them!

Select Incantation Ⅱ


Select 3-star Incantation

Shiny shiny!

Select Ultimate

Try something funnier!

Cast Arcane Skill Ⅰ


Cast Arcane Skill Ⅰ

You are a bad guy!

Cast Arcane Skill Ⅱ

One, two, three!

Cast Arcane Skill Ⅱ

Where could you be?

Summon Ultimate

Now you have a friend to play with you too!

Incoming Ⅰ


Incoming Ⅱ


Battle Victory

Well done, Lisa (Louise)!


Thank you for your gift!