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Clatter's Wheels

Clatter's Wheels
Wheels made by the owner of the stable. They are made of metal and meteor fragments, and they allow the foal to fully enjoy speed before they are worn out. When the foal is happy, its little owner is also happy, which makes everything worth it.

Scented Paint

Scented Paint
A special kind of paint custom-made for the interviewee. It doesn't contain any substances harmful to humans and smells like apple and caramel. The foal likes to dress up and make himself smart, but it also won't refuse to roll in the mud to have fun.

The Carroty Saddle

The Carroty Saddle
A saddle commonly seen on hobby horses. It comes with a carroty cushion, a pair of wooden stirrups and a laced seat. It has witnessed the epic adventure of the little owner and this wooden foal.

Circlet of Flowers

Circlet of Flowers
A circlet given by a little spectator, its fragrant scent unusually exciting.
It's said that it lowered its head to allow her to rub its mane three times as a special gesture.

Splendid Saddle

Splendid Saddle
A valuable saddle, maintained with top-quality mink oil.
Purchased by its owner at auction, it appeared in the decennial horse racing festival.

Rolling to the Dawn

Rolling to the Dawn
A wheel supported by five spokes with a smooth surface that is regularly polished.
Made by a craftsman who normally forges weapons, it is rumored to be their first foray into something different.