Development and updates on this website have come to an end. There won't be any more update in the foreseeable future.
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First Encounter

The Mandelbrot set ... That's right! It's just like the island! I'm a part of the set, just as I'm a part of the island.

Suitcase Climate

Raindrops never actually fall!They are motionless at the instants of time which constitute the falling process.

To the Future

Everything in here and out there always leads to pure numbers and mathematics. It's only a matter of time until I work out the equation which foretells the future ... Hmm, the current assumption is ...


2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37 ...


You're back. Of course you are, because this place is the "origin" ...


Urrrrgh, I will not take another step closer to that table unless those brown bean juice drinkers leave first!

Bond: Morning

No no, the scripture says, "Make the bed as soon as you wake up, leaving no imprint of your body" ... Don't worry. Stay where you are. I'll do it for you!


These people next door are really noisy. Could you please tell them to quiet down?These "Romans" have disturbed my circles!

Bond: Night

Thank you, Vertin. The rate at which you swing the suitcase is the same as that of the waves hitting the coast. I had a very good sleep.

Hat and Hair

What? You mean ... there's an orestias in my hair? That can't be true ... Show me!

Sleeves and Hands

People all over the world have adopted the decimal system by coincidence. See, this is why.

Clothing and Torso

That's right! This is my body, my little jar. It's made of flesh and bones. We can temporarily entrust it with our well-proportioned geometric structures.


Well ... I'm not very fond of the word "hobby." It sounds like something you would give up easily, something that doesn't last.


You are making progress in life, Vertin, just like how zero developed throughout history.At first it was just a placeholder, then it became irreplaceable, and now it serves as the origin of coordinates.


Check the answer for me ...No way! This book is wrong ... My calculation says otherwise!

Chitchat Ⅰ

See, here we have rectangular frames, rectangular cabinets, rectangular windows ...Vertin, haven't you realized? This is a serious abuse of rectangles! You should use more triangles in the suitcase, for they are the most stable structure.

Chitchat Ⅱ

I tried to talk to Ms. Centurion, but as soon as she tossed that coin, I felt dizzy and passed out. It makes no sense, I mean, her luck completely overturns the probability theory ...


The proof, once found, is irrevocable. But sometimes, when I sit on the coast where my mother rests, I can hear the waves wash against the edges of her geometric body, which reminds me of her transient voice before she left the world of Matters.


And now, I belong to this set.


Who ate beans?

Select Incantation Ⅰ

Given that ...

Select Incantation Ⅱ

It could be found ...

Select 3-star Incantation

A perfect argument!

Select Ultimate

The final demonstration.

Cast Arcane Skill Ⅰ

The Form ... is above all!

Cast Arcane Skill Ⅰ

Intersect and divide!

Cast Arcane Skill Ⅱ

Are you irrational numbers?

Cast Arcane Skill Ⅱ

Time to check my calculation!

Summon Ultimate

Welcome to the world of numbers.

Incoming Ⅰ


Incoming Ⅱ

How troublesome ...

Battle Victory

Victory? Okay, but what does it mean to us? I mean, what does it prove?


The next quadrant.

Bottom of Insight

The shape of truth is not fixed. Anyone who tries to figure it out is doomed to get lost on their way. So I decide to draw the one I assume ... but just to get it out of my mind.