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Trembling Tooth

Trembling Tooth

A tooth that won't stop chattering. Used for Insight or Resonate rituals of characters. Also used as the material for crafting advanced materials.

Always take good care of it and use it immediately after it is opened. Don't be surprised by these little ones' speed when they flee: they were freaked out before running away from the gum.

Liquefied Terror

Liquefied Terror

A viscous fluid of moss green coloration with the smell of rotten mint. Used for Insight or Resonate rituals of characters. Also used as the material for crafting advanced materials.

You trembled in your dreams and suddenly woke up with a scream. They were running across your skin. Made with cracked teeth, the liquefaction has improved its stability and shelf life. Tasting it is not recommended as it brings more than just nightmares.

Biting Box

Biting Box

A strange, heavy box. People claim to have heard strange noises from it. Used for Insight or Resonate rituals of characters. Also used as the material for crafting advanced materials.

You won't be able to tell where it comes from, whom it belongs to or why it looks so strange. More importantly, you will never know what you have released.



"Monster ... MOM! HELP! THERE'S A MONSTER UNDER MY BED!" Used for Insight or Resonate rituals of characters.

Your children are right about the Bogeyman. As a parent, you better keep an eye out for these wicked kidnappers. But they can be lucrative. Catch one and it might help pay the bills because we're buying them! Call 098-1937**21 for details.

Magnesia Crystal

Magnesia Crystal

Unrefined magnesia salt. Used for Insight or Resonate rituals of characters. Also used as the material for crafting advanced materials.

It's not quite useful in high-level rituals. The seller promised that the part that looks like a human face was but a coincidence created by nature.

Milled Magnesia

Milled Magnesia

Refined magnesia salt. Used for Insight or Resonate rituals of characters. Also used as the material for crafting advanced materials.

Usable in exorcism and purification rites. It may not be important, but we can't do without it.

Salted Mandrake

Salted Mandrake

A mandrake herb. Used for Insight or Resonate rituals of characters. Also used as the material for crafting advanced materials.

A mandrake that does not scream? That must be the greatest thing in the history of Arcanum! Robert the Magnesia made a fortune with this and now lives in his very own manor.

Incorrupt Monkeypaw

Incorrupt Monkeypaw

An extremely rare material from Harappa. Used for Insight or Resonate rituals of characters.

A dried arm of a primate. Don't wish for anything from it, and that includes silent wishes as well.

Shattered Bones

Shattered Bones

A pile of broken bones. Used for Insight or Resonate rituals of characters. Also used as the material for crafting advanced materials.

Careful, this may be sharp. Of course, only fools will hurt themselves with this ... WHOA! Watch out!

Esoteric Bones

Esoteric Bones

A rather intact set of bones but the pieces are taken from different animals. Used for Insight or Resonate rituals of characters. Also used as the material for crafting advanced materials.

Though not as superior as a full skeleton, the femur, ribs, and pieces of the skull are the optimal solution you can afford.

Bifurcated Skeleton

Bifurcated Skeleton

A skeleton with 2 skulls. Used for Insight or Resonate rituals of characters. Also used as the material for crafting advanced materials.

What did the humans say again? Oh, what a poor, deformed little thing! But guess what the arcanists say. Oh my, look at these sublime features only evident in the noblest of all blood lines!

Wyrmling Skeleton

Wyrmling Skeleton

Skeleton of the dragon. Used for Insight or Resonate rituals of characters.

Dragons, the true cryptid. A living dragon commands majestic power, while a dead one is still a trove of riches.

Silver Ore

Silver Ore

Raw silver ore. Used for Insight or Resonate rituals of characters. Also used as the material for crafting advanced materials.

Precious metal can be extracted from these ores. It is also a casting medium for some basic arcane skills.

Rough Silver Ingot

Rough Silver Ingot

A handcrafted silver ingot with a rough surface. Used for Insight or Resonate rituals of characters. Also used as the material for crafting advanced materials.

A tad unrefined but still serviceable. Use it to cast arcane skills or buy a jar of jelly beans or cookies. The choice is yours.

Holy Silver

Holy Silver

Polished silver bullions. The consecration ritual makes them as brightly reflective as a mirror. Used for Insight or Resonate rituals of characters. Also used as the material for crafting advanced materials.

Everybody loves a pretty bullion of silver. Being washed in holy water not only gave them a beauteous sheen, but also powerful arcane energy and exorcist properties.

Silver Bullet

Silver Bullet

Patterned silver bullets that contain immense power. Used for Insight or Resonate rituals of characters.

It takes effort to make one, but it's definitely worth it. No matter if your target is a vampire or a werewolf, it will come in handy.

Spell of Banishing

Spell of Banishing

An enchanted broom. Comes with a manual of 100 Spells of Banishing. Used for Insight or Resonate rituals of characters. Also used as the material for crafting advanced materials.

It can take care of both thorough and daily cleaning. All it takes is a bit of money and your hands will be freed forever. What's more cheering than that?

Spell of Fortune

Spell of Fortune

A rabbit's foot and a wrinkled piece of order paper. Used for Insight or Resonate rituals of characters. Also used as the material for crafting advanced materials.

Nobody would have thought that this item is the secret to good luck. The story of its origin begins with Marianna who worked at a family diner ...

Prophetic Bird

Prophetic Bird

A glass bird that sings no songs. Keep away from heat and avoid mishandling. Used for Insight or Resonate rituals of characters. Also used as the material for crafting advanced materials.

An arcanist's best friend! Let this little birdie remember your spells for you. With over 5241 practical spells in its memory bank, this is the go-to choice for busy arcanists!

Murmur of Insanity

Murmur of Insanity

The most dangerous and hazardous book to the best of your knowledge. Used for Insight or Resonate rituals of characters.

You will get to read the most hidden, forbidden and forgotten spells in history among the mad words of this book. He is the best tutor for all the ambitious villains. Just remember one thing: ask only, and never answer.

Cicada Wings

Cicada Wings

A bookmark made from the wings of a cicada, delicate and handy. Used in Insight and Resonance rituals for characters. Also usable as a material for crafting advanced materials.

Please store the wings away from the body, preferably in a cool place. Occasional trembling is normal; just wait for it to dry completely.

Winged Key

Winged Key

Not every key is born with wings. Used in Insight and Resonance rituals for characters. Also usable as a material for crafting advanced materials.

Find an open space, hold the key handle firmly, and mentally recite your destination. It will lead you to the keyhole, in the form of a bird.

Glowing Mothwing

Glowing Mothwing

A moth that's noticed the faint light within itself. Used in Insight and Resonance rituals for characters. Also usable as a material for crafting advanced materials.

Please do not stimulate the light source at its tail. Handle gently to avoid burning.

Perpetual Cog

Perpetual Cog

A cog that won't stop turning. Used in Insight and Resonance rituals for characters. Also usable as a material for crafting advanced materials.

All the secrets of time are hidden in the ceaseless turning of the gears.

Watch Core

Watch Core

The word "Precision" is inscribed inside. Used in Insight and Resonance rituals for characters.

Through polishing, inlaying, and fine carving, one can obtain a lively "heart."



An ancient coin. Used for Insight or Resonate rituals of characters. Also used as the material for crafting advanced materials.

Embark on a journey, or wait plainly.

Clawed Pendulum

Clawed Pendulum

An expensive pendulum. Used for Insight or Resonate rituals of characters. Also used as the material for crafting advanced materials.

It shall lead your way.

Platinum Ouija

Platinum Ouija

An ouija board used by the most legendary mediums. Used for Insight or Resonate rituals of characters. Also used as the material for crafting advanced materials.

It shall purge things that lead you astray.

Fruit of Good and Evil

Fruit of Good and Evil

But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it. Used for Insight or Resonate rituals of characters.

It is the rebel vanguard for the disobedient and those who seek knowledge.



It never swore an oath. Used for Insight or Resonate rituals of characters.

It is the edge for the weak, the silent, and the belittled.

Golden Fleece

Golden Fleece

Thousands died in the sea seeking it. Used for Insight or Resonate rituals of characters.

It is a reward for the adventurous and the bravest souls.

Serpent Scepter

Serpent Scepter

The oar of the River of Dreams that once hypnotized a giant. Used in Insight and Resonance rituals for characters.

Mediating peace between those in dispute and hostility.

Page of Mineral Wealth

Page of Mineral Wealth

A tattered page. Used for the ritual of Mineral Insight Ⅰ.

They are buried deep under the mountain rocks where a gem is indistinguishable from bits of coal.

Scroll of Mineral Wealth

Scroll of Mineral Wealth

Incomplete scrolls. Used for the ritual of Mineral Insight Ⅱ.

The rock spits on those with a weak mind. It is the code between instant and eternity.

Tome of Mineral Wealth

Tome of Mineral Wealth

A heavy tome. Used for the ritual of Mineral Insight Ⅲ.

A titan's child that emerged from a weeping wound of the Earth vein. It is a steadfast guardian and an indestructible friend. Even the nobles would bow before this sonorous herald.

Page of Starlit Ascent

Page of Starlit Ascent

A tattered page. Used for the ritual of Star Insight Ⅰ.

Neither the moon nor the sun could rob it of its colors.

Scroll of Starlit Ascent

Scroll of Starlit Ascent

Incomplete scrolls. Used for the ritual of Star Insight Ⅱ.

It breeds infants and helps them sleep in peace. It is a friend of lengthy nights and fantasies.

Tome of Starlit Ascent

Tome of Starlit Ascent

A heavy tome. Used for the ritual of Star Insight Ⅲ.

An omen, a filthy secret, or an act of absolute vileness. You can also treat it as a handful of broken glass on black satin.

Page of Plantal Vimen

Page of Plantal Vimen

A tattered page. Used for the ritual of Plant Insight Ⅰ.

To reach the skies, its roots grow deep into the earth to extract nourishments from decomposed life.

Scroll of Plantal Vimen

Scroll of Plantal Vimen

Incomplete scrolls. Used for the ritual of Plant Insight Ⅱ.

It shall keep growing till it smothers the entire sky, till it chokes every single space, till the deep green tide blankets everything in sight.

Tome of Plantal Vimen

Tome of Plantal Vimen

A heavy tome. Used for the ritual of Plant Insight Ⅲ.

It is the source of every twig in the deep woods, every strand of moss and floating weed and the mother of every tree. All of them know you.

Page of Beastly Thirst

Page of Beastly Thirst

A tattered page. Used for the ritual of Beast Insight Ⅰ.

They wept and they cried. They lived and they died.

Scroll of Beastly Thirst

Scroll of Beastly Thirst

Incomplete scrolls. Used for the ritual of Beast Insight Ⅱ.

They walked in the barrens, resting in the day and rising in the night.

Tome of Beastly Thirst

Tome of Beastly Thirst

A heavy tome. Used for the ritual of Beast Insight Ⅲ.

Their every breath feels like that of their mother's mother and their father's father. They see what the mortals see.

LF Polarization

LF Polarization

Low frequency polarization. Scattered polarization which is not enough to form images. A low-level material used for ascending a Psychube's level limit.

Polarization whose extremely low amplitude makes it unobservable. It is mainly generated by stable mental images. It reaches the peak in 1-3 hours after the image is formed, and starts to vanish in 12-15 days.

MF Polarization

MF Polarization

Medium frequency polarization, the weak polarization which is not enough for forming images. A mid-level material used for ascending Psychube's level limit.

This polarization of low amplitude can be seen continually when observed. It is mainly generated by long-lasting, mild mental images, such as sorrow and nostalgia.

HF Polarization

HF Polarization

High frequency polarization, the gathered polarization which is not enough for forming images. A high-level material used for ascending Psychube's level limit.

This polarization has high amplitude and is easy to observe, but it is less often seen compared to MF Polarization. It is mainly generated by strong and temporary mental images, such as anger, impulse and greed.

Growth Box

Growth Box

Insights from your exclusive experiences. Can be used to level up your account.
An unseen box was slightly ajar, waiting for a pair of hands to twist it open. It's true, those practical and effective insights always depend on your own understanding, don't they?