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Backstory 1

A princess deeply beloved by the people. Despite her innocent looks—which contrasts with the queen's stern demeanor—she is actually quite into political affairs. Recently, she often walked out of the palace and visited the villages and towns, to show her care for the suffering of the people.

Backstory 2

As the queen's heir, she receives an elite education and is busy with official work every day. Yet she never complains and does her job exceptionally well. This has earned her widespread respect.

Backstory 3

Word has it that Amanami's dances originate from the god's blessings, and that as the successor to the Living God, she commits herself to delivering His blessings to her people.
Every day after she wraps up her work, she hauls her exhausted body to the yard to practice dance for the coming Kami Festival.
The setting sun casts a red glow over her slim figure as she twirls and dances and sings. It's a beautiful sight, so beautiful it moves the on-looking maids to tears.

Backstory 4

Early in the morning when the dew still clings to the verdant leaves, Amanami sets off with her maids on an outing. As her long hair brushes past the flowers, she raises her hand to dab away her tears and begins to dance to the singing of the maids in the midst of the flower rain. Quite like a goddess sent from above.