Development and updates on this website have come to an end. There won't be any more update in the foreseeable future.
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Backstory 1

An elven girl who grew up in the forest. Never been to the outside world. Goes to the clearing in the woods every day to feed pigeons.

Backstory 2

The pigeons, which normally fear humans, are surprisingly affectionate toward Ninsar—she's often seen rubbing their feathers with her cheek.

Backstory 3

Unlike most high elves, Ninsar doesn't loathe humans. She dreams of freely exploring the outside world like the pigeons.
She is one of the fans of Flora, and her biggest wish is to share the stage with Flora one day.

Backstory 4

After learning that Flora learned her tunes from Mayahuel, she pesters Mayahuel every day to teach her music and always ends up being scolded. But she doesn't mind. She even gets the idea of sneaking out of the forest to learn music in the human world.