Development and updates on this website have come to an end. There won't be any more update in the foreseeable future.
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Backstory 1

In a small town in the Principality of Lunia, there is a clinic, unusual but well-reputed. Sally is proud to work there as a nurse.
She still remembers the day she recommended herself for the role. Doctor Amorai asked a lot of strange questions, but she took them in stride and answered with ease.
"Just like that, I muddled through the test and got hired. It felt like a dream." Sally recalled.

Backstory 2

In her early days on the job, Sally found herself insanely busy catering to Doctor Amorai's whims.
For example, raise a cat and observe how it reacts to onions; collect nightingale tears and toad slime, and turn them into solids; adopt a human cub and treat her as a daughter...
"Wait, 'human cub' is how Doctor Amorai calls it! It's a human girl, actually. And she's old enough for school now." Sally quickly corrected herself.

Backstory 3

Sally has a love-hate relationship with her work.
At first she thought she would work as a nurse in the clinic, but slowly she realized she was more like Doctor Amorai's assistant. The clinic stopped hiring since she joined, so she handles more work than a typical nurse.
"To be more exact, it's just me and Doctor Amorai. The two of us can handle the day-to-day running of the clinic, yes, but..." Sally paused in mid-sentence.

Backstory 4

Often after a long day at work, Sally goes to a roadside tavern to unwind.
Her favorite drink is honey beer—low in alcohol and sweet on the palate.
One time, Doctor Amorai forgot Sally's reminder again and let precious medicinal materials go to waste. Sally flew into a rage and didn't calm down until Doctor Amorai promised her a raise.
"I hate to admit it, but she's really generous with me... Ahem, and... the honey beer's really good!" Sally said with a smile, and there was no more embarrassment on her face.
Since Doctor Amorai is pretty tight-lipped about herself, I had to talk to her assistant.
——From a resident of the town.