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Backstory 1

A dweller in the dreamland, she has a mysterious aura and a pair of wings that flutter gently.
Every time Eddine shows up, she has a swarm of glowing butterflies dancing around her, and together they fly into the dreamland.

Backstory 2

If there is one word to sum up Eddine, it is "dreamlike". And yet she is also so real.
Those who enter the dreamland feel like they also turn into butterflies. With Eddine whispering in their ears, and swarms of other butterflies guiding them, they fly deeper and deeper into the dreamland.

Backstory 3

Different events happen in every encounter with Eddine. That's probably because one's state of mind always changes, and when entering the dreamland, the scenes change as well.
Seeing the flickering glow of the butterflies in the dreamland, one could easily forget the passage of time and even fall into slumber.
Feeble as it may be, the movement of a butterfly's wings can cause small disturbances in the air, thus spreading the magic power around.
One that has felt this subtle process would regard it as a proof that everything here is real.

Backstory 4

All existence is subject to the cycle of birth and death. Eddine is no exception.
Being a creation, one day Eddine will fulfill her purpose, then she will forever stay in the dreamland with the butterflies, or just perish along with the dreamland itself.
But until that day comes, she will still be here and continue to guide people into the dreamland where they will forever lose themselves in the sensation of delusions and intoxication.