Title - Frontline Hero
Unlocks after primary exploration of Undercity π
Title - Tactical Genius
Unlocks after advanced exploration of Undercity π
Title - All-Knowing Mastermind
Unlocks after in-depth exploration of Undercity π
Title - Subjugator of Catastrophe
Reach Diamond rank in Desolation Codex 5 times.
Title - Nefarious Conqueror
Reach Diamond rank in Desolation Codex 20 times.
Title - Unyielding Soul
Clear Main Stage Chapter 8
Title: Gold Rush
Obtain 100,000,000 Nightium
Title: Dominator of the Sky
Navigator reaches Lv. 50
Title: Empyrean Zenith
Navigator reaches Lv. 80
Title: Timeless Bond
Log in 100 days
Title: Shifting Seasons
Log in 365 days
Title: The Awakening
Clear Main Stage Chapter 1
Title: Revealer of the Past
Clear Main Stage Chapter 3
Title - Mighty Entourage
Own 20 Aurorians with Lv. 10 Affinity
Title - Shining Alliance
Own 50 Aurorians with Lv. 10 Affinity
Title - Onwards & Upwards
Clear Level 80 in every Spire.
Title - Ultimate Summit
Clear Level 100 in every Spire
Title: History Unearthed
Clear Main Stage Chapter 11
Title: Wakening Call
Clear Main Stage Chapter 12
Title: Hero of the Depths
Clear Level 5 in Secret Territory Exploration 20 times
Title - Intellectual Bookworm
Owns 10 sets of books
Own 50 IV Unique Trees
Unlock 20 rare fish entries in the Museum
Unlock 60 building entries in the Museum
Own 4 Legendary Aurorians
Title - Inch of Knowledge
Unlocks after in-depth exploration of Undercity π
Title - Maritime Guardian
Obtained from the Over Dark Seas, A Gentle Glow event.
Title - Empyrean Authority
Navigator reaches Lv. 100