Development and updates on this website have come to an end. There won't be any more update in the foreseeable future.
More details here

1st Anniversary Avatar Frame

1st Anniversary Avatar Frame

Revived Witch 1st Anniversary

CBT Limited Avatar Frame

CBT Limited Avatar Frame

Revived Witch
CBT Limited Avatar Frame

Chrismas Avatar Frame

Chrismas Avatar Frame

Merry Chrismas!

Default Avatar Frame

Default Avatar Frame

`Default Avatar Frame

Fashion Icon Avatar Frame

Fashion Icon Avatar Frame

Put it on to show off your status

Isle Adventure Avatar Frame

Isle Adventure Avatar Frame

Isle Adventure Event Memorial Avatar Frame

Kitty Cat

Kitty Cat

Via redemption code
With this, even the tone has changed... Meowww!

Path Not Taken Avatar Frame

Path Not Taken Avatar Frame

Path Not Taken Avatar Frame

Phantom Mirror of Stars

Phantom Mirror of Stars

Clear Phantom Mirror of Stars
May the strength to overcome yourself be with you always.

Spring Festival Avatar Frame

Spring Festival Avatar Frame

Happy Spring Festival!

Summer Echo

Summer Echo

The girls got together for an unforgettable time at the end of the summer.



Wang Laoju Exclusive Channel
Work! Work more!


