Development and updates on this website have come to an end. There won't be any more update in the foreseeable future.
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Space Design

Space Design

When deployed to the Bridge, furniture increases Mood by an extra 2%.

Prism Focus

Prism Focus

When deployed to the Prism Pillar, the extra Prism recovery rate +20% per hour.

Group Talks

Nemesis:As expected, there exists a lack of justice, even here.
Nemesis:Why don't you just stick your tenets of justice up on the windows?
Amy:Huh? You think that would help spread the pursuit of justice here?
Nemesis:Well, at least it'll add a touch of ambiance to this place.
Nemesis:What's up, Knight of Justice? Want to help out?
Amy:M-me? I'm still a trainee knight... Wouldn't I be a bother...?
Nemesis:For the sake of justice, that can be tolerated!
Amy:I-I see...
Amy:You truly are worthy of your title, General Inspector of Justice! So noble and full of vigor—teach me your ways!
Amy:Let's stick the words of justice on the windows, and the ceiling! No, let us engrave them!
Nemesis:Yes, you are indeed a knight of great talent! Let us turn this into a paradise of righteousness!