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Her Experiences

No doubt about it, Miss Unimet is a genius. Ever since I saw the mechanical arm that she made braid her hair, I was never more sure of the fact! Allegedly, that giant backpack of hers stored a countless number of mechanical arms. I still recall how %s shivered when recounting the story of seeing more than ten arms sprouting out of it, and the nightmare it caused. But what's harder to fathom is how such a petite girl like Unimet could carry such a big bag on her back!
In fact, %s and I can hardly see her in the Colossus. My only time was when I couldn't sleep at night so I took a stroll and saw Miss Unimet crouching next to the Prism Pillar, mumbling to herself. I went over to say hi but she ran from me in panic! Am I that terrifying?

Her Story (I)

Huh? What! W-when did you start standing there? Did you arrive when my mechanical assistants pulled out tools to study the Colossus? I-I-I'm s-sorry! I was simply too interested in the Colossus!
I wouldn't call myself a genius as I-I'm just interested in machines. A lot of people in the Illumina research labs are more talented than me! A-although my robotic arms are unique... your Colossus is also really amazing! S-so, can you let me study it for a little while? I-I promise that my mechanical assistants won't hurt it!
Oh! P-please don't keep staring at my robotic arms as they are actually quite shy...

Her Story (II)

What? Y-you're willing to be my friend? T-thank you so much! I-I'm so happy! Actually, I didn't have any friends when I was young because I wasn't much of a talker. That's why I made these mechanical assistants to play with me. Although they're very cute and smart, I still want to meet more people.
I may not be very good with words, but I really, really like making friends... After that, I went to study at Gannon City and met many classmates. They would greet me, but they didn't seem to want to play with me... I like machines though, so I started to make more mechanical assistants! I probably won't feel lonely anymore as long as I have them.
D-do you want to know how many mechanical assistants I have? Come closer and I'll tell you secretly...

Her Story (III)

When I was in Gannon City, I often went on explorations with the expedition team. Although I was really young at the time, I found it really interesting! But we encountered the Eclipsites one time... I evacuated with everyone, but I tripped... It fell hopeless, but my mechanical assistants protected me... and everyone from the Illumina came back to save me, I managed to survive. Although I'm still unable to express my thoughts clearly and completely, my gratitude is sincere! I've already told everyone at the Illumina that I'm not good at communicating with others, but they just said, "Unimet, just do what you want to do! You don't need to talk to others to understand each other!" On that day, I learned what it felt like to be moved...
I miss my family so much now that I'm in the Illumina, but they all have great expectations for me! So, I'll do my best to not make them worry about me! Also, if possible, I want to learn to communicate with others!