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Her Experiences

Ms. Tiny One has always been staring at the rooms containing the core system of the Colossus since the day she arrived here, and she has no intention of hiding her aim. I think I heard her snort in derision when we refused her request to house her in the room next to the core engine room.
After we allocated her a room, she seems to enjoy staying in there to do her research and doesn't like to come out. Although we are a little worried about the safety of the Colossus, according to intel about her when she was at Rediesel Wrench, she is a mature and upright person and will not do secretly harm the Colossus. What's more, she sometimes helps us repair and adjust our equipment, so I'd say she's overall a great comrade!

Her Story (I)

Do you think I'm still a kid? Don't get it wrong, I'm an important tech personnel of Rediesel Wrench. At first, those big fellas just threw everything into a pile and had no idea that there were powerful machines among the pile. That's how I got my searchlight, which I picked up from the playground, found the parts I wanted, then assembled and repaired it.
After that, I learned how to tune and adjust machinery of all sizes at the base, and I can even make them. So, although it's not obvious based on my appearance, I can handle anything as long as it's related to machinery!
I've come here this time on a tech personnel exchange, but I'm not here to take advantage of you. Just sit back and trust me to help you with the daily maintenance of the Colossus—you can also come to me if there's anything you want to reconstruct!

Her Story (II)

Us Rediesel Wrenches love to pick up loot from everywhere, and that hasn't changed to this day. I was really shocked when Sinsa first appeared. He landed from the air, creating a huge dust storm! After he got everything handled, he brought me back with him like his loot and completely ignored my objection. After that, somehow, inexplicably, I was surrounded by a group of men who treated me as their mascot. Although I encountered all sorts of strange dangers when I was with them, the danger was nothing compared to what we gained along the way.
At this point, I won't need to scare you with my wrench anymore, so I'm just gonna go ahead and tell you that I'm very interested in the purification technology of your Colossus! We'll be able to solve huge problems if we join hands! Yes, I mean, I'm interested in that power core!

Her Story (III)

After that, I suffered from the fear of glaring lights and wasn't able to control that searchlight for a long time. Sigh... I was really troubled by it for quite some time! I heard that those idiots put in a lot of effort to find a plant in the desert so that they could make me this ugly scarf. How can it possibly be cured so easily! But the scarf is quite warm, so I'll wear it for now! I'm not wearing it because they put a lot of effort into making it...
However, this can't go on forever... although they're all big and tall men, they can't fight in the dark no matter how powerful they are, right? Everyone has to experience trials to grow. Regardless, I overcame my weakness during this process! Haha!
Hey! Don't touch it. You'll be blinded if you turn my searchlight on like that!