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Reina Ueda

Tap on the Colossus Room

The numerous determined hearts are what bring prosperity to Lumopolis.

Without faith, the Illumina Federation can never become what it is.

White Night up high.

The Eclipse must be destroyed.

As a representative of the Hall of Justice, Master Irridon was born to protect the honor of Lumopolis.

Master Pittman's heart of justice isn't the result of his personality but his faith.

Faith purifies everything and brings new life to the world.

Let me know if you need someone to apprehend the Defilers, I'd love to be part of it.

But the old, advanced civilization supposedly vanished due to loss of faith too...

Interact with the Colossus Room

My wing? Sure, you can take a look. But please don't touch it.

Change Assistant

You have high hopes for me... That's okay, I can manage, and I surely won't let you down!

Battle Failed

This is the will of fate...


Everything turned out as faith foretold.

Unleash Chain Combos

Feathered wing!


Active Skill is Ready

I'll use the power of my faith.

Enter the Formation

New job?

Aurorian Ascension I

I will take up more responsibilities.

Aurorian Ascension II

I'll become... the spokesperson of faith!


It's not here either? I definitely left it here that time...

Upgrade Successful

I can fly towards wider skies now.

Voice Login

Alchemy Stars.

Happy New Year. My faith remains immutable this year.

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

Feel free to let me know if you have any problems. It's my job to assist you.

I'm a member of the Hall of Justice, even though I don't make the final verdict... It's okay, I don't mind. So long as I get to work for my faith.

As I've mentioned before, please don't stare at my single wing. Your gaze feels too intense and I don't know what to do about it...

The fuller the feathers are, the more important it is to be restrained. I have to be more careful to protect it from harm.

Faith makes my eyes brighter. Things that are neglected by the common folk are so obvious to me.

You seem to only do things that you believe in, not bounded by those covenants and restrictions... I'm envious of your determination.

Your instructions are clear and simple, just like those given by Master Pittman... I'm not offended though. On the contrary, I admire that.

I have a little question, nothing worrying. I was just wondering if you would invite me to join you? I mean, when everything's over, will I be one of your partners?

Candies and poison are the same.

My single wing is a symbol of my mission. It's a gift my faith granted me.

For those who have faith, suffering is only temporary.

Happy New Year. My faith remains immutable this year.

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

Welcome, partner in faith.

Skeptics shall ultimately be led by faith.

You don't have to check on me so often. It's unnecessary, got it?

There is no order of priority between light and darkness. Only those caught in between are obsessed with the distinction.

Spring Festival Voice

Happy New Year. My faith remains immutable this year.

Obtain an Aurorian

Greetings. Please don't keep staring at my single wing... it's a little shy.

Receiving a gift

I don't want you to waste your energy on this.

I appreciate the thoughts you've put into this. Thank you for the gift.

Receiving a preferred gift

Ah, this brings me peace. Thank you.

This is exactly what I've been praying for! Bless you!

Release Active Skill

Use the power of faith...

Spread out! Scatter!


Watch out.

Aurorian Trivia I

The suffering of believers is over. It's the Defilers' turn now. Mr. Pittman, I definitely won't back down even if my single wing still aches.

Aurorian Trivia II

During that Darkover crisis, I lost my family and my wing. It's faith that has carried me on to this day.

The Captain's Entrance

Let the judgment begin!