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Her Experiences

We heard that some taverns in Umbraton are perfect for intel gathering. Many people have been to these taverns to try to gather info and experience the local color, but an accident happened one day... When it was %s's turn, a bird-like girl who's had too much to drink and wouldn't stop bitching kept the poor sap's ear all night. That girl had gotten drunk as a skunk from the glass of juice in her hand and had no intention of stopping any time soon. We consoled %s and got %s to investigate another place the next night, such as a tavern of Umbraton. In the end, %s met that crow again, was forced to buy her ten glasses of juice, and left traumatized...
After that, a young lady from the Courier Union, who had crow wings and claws, sought us out. She told us that her name is Eho and that she was here to meet the person in charge of the Colossus... We had no reason to refuse, right?

Her Story (I)

What a coincidence! It's you again! Don't be in such a rush to leave. Let me tell you about my work this time! I usually deliver letters and parcels for the Courier Union, and I am also responsible for delivering some confidential documents and items. You probably think that it's great to be employed by the Courier Union, right? That's not true! Customers are always complaining about me... They complain about everything, about my unpleasant voice, that I talk too much, or that I am unpleasing to the eye. They are so annoying! In comparison, it's much better to work for the Guild and as an undercover intel agent, but can the bosses at the Guild stop making me deliver such large parcels? It gets in the way of letter deliveries! Also, can they stop asking me to go to Illumina for undercover intel work? I don't like to go there, and Yoshi is also about to become featherless from frustration because of how mindless those people at Illumina are.
What? You want to know why I work three part-time jobs at the same time? Why am I still working for the Courier Union even though I'm so dissatisfied with them? Do you know what it's like to be poor and be overwhelmed with debts?

Her Story (II)

Yoshi has finally caught you! Now, listen to me! I didn't mean to scream in your ears before! I just couldn't control myself, so please don't drive me away! I'm telling the truth. I used to live with my grandpa in a shabby hut, and everyone was mean to me because I couldn't control my desire to caw. It's just the same as when your tummy rumbles when you're hungry... My beak and my throat also want to make noises!
I couldn't stop at all one day, and the neighbors came over angrily, trying to drive us away. My grandpa had no choice but to get the Courier Union to deliver me away. My parents abandoned me because I looked strange, and only my grandpa was willing to raise something as weird as me. I was quite young and misunderstood that grandpa didn't want me as well anymore. I wanted to cry and caw at the same time and almost choked myself to death doing that. So you see, it's just that I really can't control my desire to caw. Ask Yoshi if you don't believe me!

Her Story (III)

I was born with my wing-like hands! The Courier Union probably wouldn't have hired me if it weren't for them! Huh? It wasn't because of this? Alright, alright... Although I'm more or less self-aware in this regard, you don't have to serve me a blow like that. I'm quite proud of my wings!
Speaking of which, during that time, the birdman carried me everywhere in the sky and asked me if I wanted to caw whenever we arrived at a new place! I was so mad! My mouth was so dry after all that, and I couldn't figure out what he wanted me to do! I only vaguely realized after I grew a little older that this is my true talent!
This also makes me happy though, as you can't say that you'd repay the Union unless you have a little ability to back up your promise!