Development and updates on this website have come to an end. There won't be any more update in the foreseeable future.
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Yūma Uchida

Tap on the Colossus Room

The True Order is my home, my destination, and my... family.

I was born in that place, but I don't belong there. That was a catastrophe of my life.

May the Truth bless you.

You only need a little blood to wipe the Eclipsites out.

Lady Victoria, please forgive my sins as I am a filthy monster...

I once asked Faust if the white suitcase would bring me relief. He told me it wasn't time yet.

Doctrines, confessions, and redemptions reassure me... Well, sugar cubes as well...

Those who disobey Lady Victoria must be ripped apart and beheaded.

It's very comfortable... and disturbing. It would be nice if they could build a confessional inside.

Interact with the Colossus Room

Are you lost? In that case, you should confess your sins...

Change Assistant

Is this also a type of practice? Or... is it a form of punishment?

Battle Failed

Oh, I am a sad, pathetic monster...


The pilgrimage is ahead of me... This is the first step.

Unleash Chain Combos


Filthy, despicable...

Active Skill is Ready

I am ready.

Enter the Formation

As you wish.

Aurorian Ascension I

My blood is filthy. Please forgive me...

Aurorian Ascension II

If my blood of sin can cleanse this world.

Aurorian Ascension III

My piety will guide me.


Stay here and be quiet? No problem. I can do anything you need me to do.

Upgrade Successful

Whip me, pity me...

Voice Login

Alchemy Stars.

The New Year is a gift.

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

I believe in the one and only truth. Light and darkness are both forms of the truth... When destruction comes, the common people will be guided from depravity and then reborn...

Remove my rotten skin; remove my dirty blood; remove my ignorant consciousness...

The nails have been stained red with my blood, whereas my cross will judge my enemies...and my own heart...

Only through suffering the painful loss of blood, shall I receive salvation.

Sin is everywhere in this world. I have sinned and I have atoned for it... No matter what order Master Victoria gives, it should be executed without objection, conditions, or resistance.

Death is change, not the end... Pain is salvation, not torture.

Don't be afraid, this nail was prepared for me. Look, like this...

"This is my confession to the Truth... Evil karma, foolishness, and arrogance are all sins of mine..." Ah, I am atoning for my sins... Are you interested in joining me?

The world would be perfect if I was the only person suffering to this extent. But clearly you are enduring the same despair.

My flesh and blood are being gnawed at, and my soul is being bitten and torn into shreds... Ah... This is a sign of happiness.

I haven't memorized this doctrine yet... I must copy it 1,000 times.

I must repent... Pact was too disrespectful to Lady Victoria, I even attacked her... I am guilty.

The New Year is a gift.

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

The sun is stinging me with pain, but I must endure it...

Hi, would you like to know about the True Order? Why are you running away? Oh, I'm still bleeding...

Half of today's punishment has not been carried out.

Only at this moment, when I am embraced by darkness and drowned in my own insignificance, do I feel assured.

Spring Festival Voice

The New Year is a gift.

Obtain an Aurorian

I am loyal to the True Order, to my faith, and to Lady Victoria. I have nailed my unbreakable vows into my body. Now, confess! Even monsters deserve redemption.

Receiving a gift

I don't deserve...

Must you?

Receiving a preferred gift

Shouldn't be so...

Thank you...

Release Active Skill

I dedicate my all...

I sacrifice my all...


Pain is salvation from sin.

Aurorian Trivia I

They once protected me, respected me, and elevated me to an altar; they also hurt me, detested me, and forced me into an endless abyss.

Aurorian Trivia II

Eclipsites hurt Aurorians as do Aurorians hurt each other. I am neither Eclipsite nor Aurorian. I am solely a despicable and helpless monster.

Aurorian Trivia III

The True Order is my only shelter. I need not understand or think. I simply follow the Truth and move forward.

The Captain's Entrance

The Truth will forgive me, right?