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Her Experiences

I first met Alice in a forest near Northland. The light of the winter sun spilled over thick layers of snow. There were strange noises coming from the woods, so I looked in that direction. The sounds seem to be coming from a hopping rabbit! As I got closer, I saw Alice, barely taller than the snow, slowly trudging forward.
At first, I thought she was a lost child and brought her to the Colossus for temporary shelter. I handed her a glass of warm milk and offered some comforting words. But when I asked where she lived, she told me she was traveling alone. A little girl, alone! I was still in school when I was her age!
In the following days, I found out how Alice survived her trip. Not only could she wield Luminatics, but her strength also surpassed that of an adult. That was also when I realized her cute pair of bunny ears was proof of demi-human heritage. That explains her super strength...

Her Story (I)

Have you ever been to the Northland, Navigator? I lived in Wonder Village over there. It's a small, relatively secluded village. If traveling from the heart of the continent, a journey of several days is needed. It doesn't feel very far to me, probably because I am fast, or can travel for long periods.
Maybe it's also because I got used to dodging ever since I was little. The villagers were very nice, but they just loved to touch my ears for some reason. My parents said they had been doing that since I was a baby.
Of course, I couldn't do anything about it when I was a baby, but after I learned to walk, it became an instinct for me to dodge those who tried to touch my ears. The villagers all said I was "like a cute little bunny." In time, I guess my legs got really strong.
I think I understand how they feel now, though. It's okay if you want to touch my ears, just not too often!

Her Story (II)

I did tell you about how "popular" I was in Wonder Village, right? It's weird that my parents don't have rabbit ears like me. If there's something I took after them, it's probably strength, though they seemed weaker than I am... Oh, that's another story.
Because they're stronger than normal, my parents were one of the few guards in Northland. They go on regular patrols and defend against Eclipsite invasions, so they weren't home most of the time. I didn't get it when I was young and would get mad at them. There was a point when I even thought that I wasn't their child because of my ears. Then one day Her Majesty visited me and spoke about traits that skipped generations. According to the villagers, my grandpa or grandma also had rabbit ears, which I was relieved to hear.
My parents might be away a lot, but they asked the villagers to look after me, and they'd bring me presents whenever they get a chance, like the Knight of Spades and the Queen of Hearts... Oh, wait, that's also a story for another time.

Her Story (III)

My parents and the villagers actually treated me very well. But I think the demi-human blood responsible for my bunny ears also made me restless since I always had the urge to venture outside the village. Many times, to get away from the nagging, I'd tell the villagers that I was going to read books at home and not to bother me when in reality I'd sneak out to the forest for fun.
There wasn't anything to be afraid of in the forest alone. The only thing that startled me was when I ran into Leah for the first time. I thought it was some monster, but it turned out to be Leah's steam. She also told me a lot of things about the outside world, and they all sounded so interesting that I started dreaming about going on a journey.
After my parents learned I've been sneaking out, they actually followed in secret! But they didn't have the endurance so I managed to get them off my tail! Impressive, right?
Because of that, they allowed me to go travel by myself. Before I'm experienced enough to make my own decisions, though, they asked Leah to watch over me, and Sylva to teach me self-defense skills. That's why you usually see us three together.

Her Story (IV)

I think it's time to show you the Knight of Spades and the Queen of Hearts. Actually, you should know by now they're not real people or imaginary friends, but puppets.
My parents brought them back to me from a patrol when I was 7. They didn't tell me exactly where the puppets came from. I didn't know much about them, but I fell in love with them because they looked so cool. Sure, their masks are a little weird, but I get along with them and they are very cute, right?
They didn't move at all until three years later when I suddenly noticed they could not only move but speak! That spooked me a bit, enough for me to go to see Her Majesty in the Winter Palace, which was a very long trip. Her Majesty looked at me, then at them, smiled, and said, "It's okay. They will protect you."
Well, who am I to argue with Her Majesty, right? They became my buddies from then on. Meanwhile, I found I could use Luminatics. It could be that they taught me when I was asleep!