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Eri Kitamura

Tap on the Colossus Room

The scale was given to us by Lumopolis. It is inseparable from the mission and significance of the entire family.

I do want to measure the value of the truth those people speak of.

White Night up high.

Unfortunately, ten normal Eclipsites don't even add up to worth 1 Nightium.

Lady Duke has helped me with a lot, but she doesn't seem to like it when I pay her Nightium.

I don't understand. Does she make her judgments based on her golden faith?

What do I like doing? Well, inspecting the scale, go through the account books and converting.

A fair person shouldn't assess things based on their own preferences... But I'm not good at dealing with ambiguous things.

It is a rare object that cannot be measured by the Judicial Order.

Interact with the Colossus Room

The expression of goodwill is based on equality. What do you want in return?

Change Assistant

Why have you summoned me? I don't quite understand, but I'll assess how valuable I am to you.

Battle Failed

This is the result of a small error...


A fair judgment should be made.

Unleash Chain Combos



Active Skill is Ready

Calibrations complete.

Enter the Formation

I understand. Raise the weight.

Aurorian Ascension I

My potential has increased.

Aurorian Ascension II

It's a clearer judgment.

Aurorian Ascension III

I'll take back justice from the gods!


Are you worried about the time? Keep resting. Free time soothes your soul, which will create value.

Upgrade Successful

I can now measure things more accurately.

Voice Login

Alchemy Stars.

Happy New Year.

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

The work of a tax collector isn't onerous. All I have to do is collect Nightium and make records. It's what I'm good at, so I can do it really quickly.

People often say I'm emotionless, but I think that the soul is the home for one's faith. Haven't I made my faith clear to everyone?

The value of things is determined by a measurement standard. For now, the city lord is more important while the captain of the guards is less. Their situations will be reversed after three years.

All old families eventually decline, but the legacy of fair judgments will remain... At least that's what has been reflected in my actions.

The Judicial Order is an item driven by faith. With the benchmark as one's belief, people are measured through the asking of questions. There are no right and wrong, just the degree of importance.

Is the one who judges others tried on the same basis? I believe the answer is yes. Only by so, can true fairness be judged by the human eyes—

I often wonder about the value of me talking to you here... Don't mind me, I only do this out of habit.

I can vaguely feel that you have a different value. What is this... bonus? What makes you different from others?

Sometimes, I'll suddenly have the urge to pay you ten Nightium. Is this weird? But I understand it, just like how I understand what you mean to me.

I'm sorry, I... I'm useless with anything other than a scale.

Do you understand that there's no such thing as right or wrong with most things in this world, only the degree of importance?

Neither underestimate nor overestimate... Easier said than done.

Happy New Year.

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

Welcome back. This is the best time to work—you'll be able to make at least ten Nightium.

Good morning. I suggest that you do three Nightium's worth of exercise—the value you may get out of it will double.

Will you take the time to do a summary worth one Nightium after a day's activity?

I won't nag you to rest. No matter what you choose to do, it is of value as long as it is of your own will.

Spring Festival Voice

Happy New Year.

Obtain an Aurorian

Nice to meet you. I measure things, but your value is based on your performance, not my measurements.

Receiving a gift

I will accept this because of its value.

Maybe a sentimental value should be added upon its value.

Receiving a preferred gift

Thank you. This will be valuable.

Thank you. I will use everything I have to fully repay you.

Release Active Skill

My judgment shall be witnessed by all—

Face the verdict from all creatures!


Please confirm the counterweight.

Aurorian Trivia I

Indifferent and utilitarianism exist for a reason, similar to talent and weapons, which at least let me survive better.

Aurorian Trivia II

It is universally accepted to use reason as a criterion for judgment, but the truth is that we dare not use our emotions instead because we cannot control them properly.

Aurorian Trivia III

Not being affected by emotions helps me make fairer decisions, but I was saddened by mom's injustice when she called me an emotionless monster.

The Captain's Entrance

For a fair judgment.