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Her Experiences

I was flabbergasted when I first met Ms. Lester. She was shrouded in biohazard gear from head to toe, with canisters hanging off her big tail. It was my first time seeing an Aurorian with demi-human blood. I think they called the creature a skunk?
She might have a strange accent, but Ms. Lester was incredibly polite. According to her, she wanted to try different lines of work and happened to hear we were hiring, so she put in a request to come here. I'm fine with any skilled help joining the Colossus.
%s's probably fine, too, other than feeling awkward being addressed as "Sir" by Ms. Lester.

Her Story (I)

How are you, sir? To be honest, this place gives me a good first impression, as opposed to before, everywhere I went, I had to put up with comments about my appearance, or being stared at all the time... No worries, I'm generally okay with that, even though it still feels somewhat awkward. I just hope it won't cause you any problems.
My parents came from a special demi-human lineage. As you can tell, I resemble a skunk. Do you know what skunks are? Hmm, looks like you don't. I guess it's true that you've been in the Colossus for 17 years! Oh, it's all right if you don't. All you need to know is that it's a rather special animal! See the canisters on my tail? They all have a special purpose! Oh, I'm running late. I'll tell you more next time!

Her Story (II)

This body odor of mine has brought me a lot of problems. I didn't have friends when I was young. Luckily, I never had low self-esteem. I thought I was better off alone and not cause any trouble. Don't you agree?
It's all good, though, the only inconvenience is at work. Nobody wants to smell me, so out of desperation, I made myself a biohazard suit and a gas mask to cover myself up from head to toe. Huh? The canisters on my tail? Oh, I made them, too. I was thinking I shouldn't waste my natural-born gifts, so I canned up the stink gas just in case I got into a fight!
Anyway, I don't mind that much anymore. If I have to admit one thing, that would be my get-up is probably too conspicuous... That's not a big deal, right?

Her Story (III)

Did you know I was born in Umbraton? Despite that, and probably because of the odor problem, I got used to being alone. Not that many people there cared about me, anyway.
I guess it's my demi-human blood that makes my nose exceptionally keen and sensitive to unusual smells. It wasn't long before I'd scour the outskirts of Umbraton for special scents. Yeah, other people saw me as crazy, but I was doing what I liked, so I didn't care what they thought.
People said that I don't look like I'm from Umbraton, but so what? I don't think of myself as from Umbraton, either. I think it's cool to be a wandering mercenary, don't you think?

Her Story (IV)

How long have I been doing this? I lost count, probably ever since I've been living alone. When you're young, you often chase after excitement and freedom. For someone like me who has no home, becoming a wandering mercenary is the perfect job. It gives me a living and I get to do what I like, so it fits me like a glove!
However, even though I love it, I've been feeling fatigued lately, probably because the dangerous work is getting too much for me at an older age. So, I'm looking for a job that's not that perilous and still makes me money.
I'm still young, you said? Well, maybe physically, but my mind's gone through a lot and I'm not as fearless as before. That's why I've been pondering about hitting my old pal Korgon for work. I heard he needs help with construction on the island, so I might be gone after this gig!