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His Experiences

Mr. Jola is kind, friendly, gentle, and polite. He is very fond of children, enjoys playing with them, and is loved by everyone. However, I recently received an anonymous complaint letter about him. The sender said they witnessed a terrible scene and wants us to investigate it secretly.
To seek the truth from facts, we observed Mr. Jola secretly for a while. With his gardening skills, he grew a variety of flowers without sunlight and filled his room with them. He uses those huge scissors like a magic wand to take care of the lovely flowers gently and meticulously. As for the fence he made... Huh? Is it strange that he has a fence in his room?
In short, I don't think there's anything wrong with how he sings and dances with the flowers he plants in the darkness.

His Story (I)

My dear little seedlings!
Your azure, crimson, and emerald green catch my eyes!
Your smiles water my loneliness!
Ridges, canals, roofs!
I dig the land, insert a fence, and build a garden!
Open your beautiful pockets and sprinkle small seeds!
My sunflowers, my little roses, my calendulas, and my four-leaf clovers!
The flowers of hope bloom on the wasteland!
I'm willing to sacrifice everything for you!
Oh... It's you. I'm sorry you had to hear my singing. I like singing, especially when I'm gardening because it's really relaxing.
I love gardening the most, and together with love, they are what I treasure most. I'll tell you more about them if I get the chance.

His Story (II)

Diseases and pests pose a threat!
But a hardworking gardener can deal with that!
Little flower buds will be picked!
Dandelion balls will scatter everywhere!
Will Jacob really leave?
How about falling asleep in my arms like before?
Jenny wants to stay too, right?
There's just the flower for you in the nearest market!
The purple passionflower is a perfect match for your hair color!
Disobedient children need to trim branches and leaves!
Cultivate them carefully and watch them grow!
The soft petals are like a loving face!
Forget everything outside the fence!
You will flourish like it's summertime under the care of a hardworking gardener!

His Story (III)

You're here! Do you still have your suspicions of me? As you can see, I'm just a gardener who grows flowers every day.
Oh, so you're curious about how my flowers are growing so fast. I must have forgotten to tell you that my gardening tools are imbued with the forces of nature. Look at my scissors and my watering can. Do you want to try planting some flowers? Flowers that usually take several months to bloom will bloom by tomorrow.
Don't worry because it won't harm you. This power only works on these flowers. My beautiful flowers are what I cherish the most.
Flowers should grow behind a fence as that makes them more lovely. Why don't the flowers understand that...
Be careful of where you step as I'll get a little angry if you hurt my flowers. Hmm? That wasn't a joke.

His Story (IV)

My most cherished flower lost its luster after it was tortured by an illness. I wasn't able to restore the beautiful appearance of that flower even though I could control the powerful forces of nature. For that flower, I did something most unbearable for a gardener—I ruined my entire garden.
Hmm... Although I was hurt and sad, it was nothing compared to my hopes for that flower to bloom healthily and beautifully. But that flower desired freedom and escaped my fence. They are in the safest spot in the world behind my fence. Why couldn't that flower understand?
Sure enough, disobedient flowers should be trimmed!