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His Experiences

There's a commotion in the Colossus this morning. As the assistant navigator, it is naturally my duty to police what's going on.
It's Barton, I see, with an SMG and seeking to duel %s... But why would a Legion Commander like him come here to fight %s? Regardless, I must prevent this, for sure!
Soon enough, I learned from a shaken bystander that Ms. Gronru had casually mentioned losing a game of rock-paper-scissors to %s, and Barton mistook that for %s besting her in a fight.
Allow me to quietly state for the record: Given the physical stature of %s, Barton may just end the fight in one punch!

His Story (I)

Hey! You're here! Sorry about that! Hahaha! I nearly flattened you with one punch! What? Do I look that scary to you? Although I look terrifying, I'm nothing like those who fight and kill all day! I'm a proper soldier! Although I also survive by killing, it's different as I don't like to bully weaklings—yes, people like you!
We should be able to have a good fight here. Why are you hesitating? Just relax! I think I'd be staying here on the Colossus until all the Eclipsites are dead! Hahahaha!

His Story (II)

My favorite activity is fighting! Boredom is what I hate the most! Life is so boring nowadays, and others are even involving themselves in the training I prepared for those recruits who sleep way past noon! I don't understand why Reinhardt is so timid. Doesn't she realize that those guys in Lumopolis will be a threat to us sooner or later?! If I was in charge, I would find an auspicious day to gun down their lair! I really feel like pumping their mouths full of lead when I see the contempt on the faces of the nobles!
I would have killed them all already if I wasn't a soldier! If Reinhardt continues to make us recuperate like this, we might as well just retire!
Speaking of it, do you have time to play a game of chess with me right now?

His Story (III)

I thought I was a capable young man when I participated in the Emperor's Cup! I thought I was quite strong, but I actually came almost last. I-it was exhilarating! But... Maybe I would have seized the cup if I used underhanded methods back then! What? That's wrong? What does a kid like you know! In war, the right move is to do everything you can to win! You can only choose between winning or dying!
I'll tell you something you would probably never think of. Do you know who the champion was that year? It was my old acquaintance, Gronru! Hahahaha! She was only 15 years old back then, so she gave me a huge shock! Teenage girls are fearsome indeed...

His Story (IV)

I don't feel like mentioning what happened in the war back then... It is the most humiliating thing in my military life! So, you better train and stay vigilant to be prepared for war at any time!
I must thank my superior officer, Pango. My military career would have ended if he didn't cover for me! That's why I admire him from the bottom of my heart. He is a true officer and a real man! Of course, I would like to have a proper fight with him if I get the chance to in the future. What happened back then was a joke. I don't care if I'm a superior officer or not! Do I look like someone who would frame someone else for an empty title?! It doesn't matter if you are the superior officer or the subordinate, only those who can walk away from an explosion without looking back are real men! I was young at that time and always felt like I was underestimated on the battlefield. I wanted to prove myself to everyone else in that battle later on, and there was so much blood on my face when I left the battlefield that I almost couldn't see!
Now? Since Pango put so much effort into teaching me, I have to keep my spirits high at all times so that he can enjoy his elderly years in peace. Hahaha!