Development and updates on this website have come to an end. There won't be any more update in the foreseeable future.
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Space Design

Space Design

When deployed to the Bridge, furniture increases Mood by an extra 2%.

Firefly Keeper

Firefly Keeper

When deployed to the Lumina Grid, the recovery rate of Fireflies +5% per hour.

Group Talks

Corax:The task is done, Shadowlord.
Istvan:Is it?
Istvan:No loose ends, right?
Corax:How do I put this... It didn't go completely smooth.
Corax:But everything's taken care of.
Corax:No loose ends, no blowback.
Istvan:That's good to hear.
Istvan:Efficiency without fuss is most important.
Istvan:Of course, you're a pro, so you'd know that.
Corax:Heh. Don't worry, Shadowlord.
Corax:Especially for things like this... Gotta make it clean or don't do it at all.
Corax:Especially for tumors like this. If not removed completely, the patient would wish he was dead.
Corax:If that's true, might as well be...
Istvan:Yeah, might as well...