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Her Experiences

Everyone was talking about a peculiar lady who came to the Colossus today... With as many unique individuals here, I should be used to seeing the unexpected, but Miss Cuscuta still managed to surprise me! The doll-like petite girl was carrying around several... COFFINS!
As per her request, %s and I agreed to put aside a room specifically for the coffins. Yet when %s asked her what kind of room would she like for herself, she said she could just sleep in one of the coffins! So, %s and I watched dumbfounded as the delicate girl lied down in a coffin with her arms folded across her chest.
I take back what I said; guess I'm still not used to seeing the unexpected.

Her Story (I)

Nice to meet you, Navigator. Thank you for the room you provided me. I was nice to have some peace and quiet for once... Please don't wake me up. I'm fine without any food.
No, it's not because you might disturb me, it's just... I don't want to cause you trouble... What kind of trouble? I don't know how much you know about "memory impressions," but when a "new" me awakens, I will become dependent on the first person I see, like a little duckling. I think this would be troublesome for you...
You don't think so? You don't mind that I depend on you? I'm not sure what I'm feeling now is happiness, but the warm fuzziness I'm feeling is most likely real... Thank you, Navigator.

Her Story (II)

I have no memory of the past. I only remember waking up in a black coffin, surrounded by similar coffins...
I don't know if you know my power, but it's also a curse that forces me to constantly change bodies... I think that's why I have memory gaps. It's not just memory, but I was also missing human emotions after I woke up. I couldn't feel joy or sorrow. Even though I did my best to mimic, such as smiling when it's a happy occasion and crying when it's sad so that I won't seem out of place, I was still devoid of emotions and empathy in other's eyes...
It is perplexing, but as long as I try, I'll succeed one day, right?

Her Story (III)

Do you know what my job was in Umbraton, Navigator? Maybe it's because have no emotions and am apathetic toward life, so Mr. Istvan set me up with the perfect job—an executioner. I don't like commotions and preferred to make it quick and easy for them, so it was perfect for me. It's not because I liked seeing people die or had bloodlust, but when my targets passed away, black peonies would blossom on their bodies... They were beautiful and I would always be drawn to the black flowers, to the point that I couldn't turn down the tasks. I'm guessing that means I like the flowers, right?
However, when I'm fixated on the flowers, people would think I'm cruel and bizarre... I don't get why immersing myself in the pretty flowers would be strange at all.

Her Story (IV)

What would you like me to talk about today? I should talk louder? Pardon me. Mr. Istvan often said I speak too softly and encouraged me to be loud.
Speaking of which, are you bored or confused by what I say? Maybe it's because I lack emotions and common sense, I can't discern what others are feeling and figure out what they're thinking, much less what they expect to hear... Although I read some books and tried to communicate normally, they would have an awkward look on their faces every time... That, I understand and make the realization that I said something weird again...
If only I could understand people more... Can you help me, Navigator?