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Sumire Uesaka

Tap on the Colossus Room

Those people look odd, but fortunately they don't bother me.

Don't worry. I won't force them to think with their brains that are the size of a paramecium.

Well, may the Truth bless you.

Pathetic creatures that can't hold a candle even to paramecia.

Lady Victoria is strong, but she is still far from being capable enough to peek into the secret of the Catacomb.

Pact is as stubborn as her inflexible ring. I'm unlike her in this regard.

Tranquil nights. It would be perfect if there is a slight breeze.

There are too many noisy paramecia on this continent.

It's such a big fellow, but it's so quiet when it flies. It is indeed a creation from ancient civilization.

Interact with the Colossus Room

Do you want to see the real catacomb, Snowball?

Change Assistant

Can't you perform your duties properly, Snowball? Fine, I'll help you.

Battle Failed

I'll hold them off.


Is that the best you can do?

Unleash Chain Combos

The breath of death.

Goodbye, paramecia.

Active Skill is Ready

Show yourself.

Enter the Formation

All I need is myself.

Aurorian Ascension I

Faria is awoken.

Aurorian Ascension II

I have secured the power of the Catacomb.

Aurorian Ascension III

Maybe... I'll be able to break free from the crypt.


Have you got nothing to do, Snowball? Wanna swap places? Come sit here.

Upgrade Successful

This is my true power.

Voice Login

Alchemy Stars.

Happy New Year.

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

I stayed here only because I want to. It has nothing to do with you, Snowball.

You're different from those paramecia, Snowball. That's probably why you can pilot the Colossus.

Sometimes it serves no purpose to try to talk sense into those blockheads. Just give them orders.

I'll never need the help of those paramecia no matter how difficult it gets.

Can you smell the danger now? You'll have to be careful when you approach me from now on.

Are you surprised, Snowball? This is my real power, but I don't care about it at all.

The Dantes family has been responsible for guarding the Starry Crypt since ancient times. I have no choice but to inherit the mission.

My power comes from my family, but what I am experiencing now... will become a valuable strength that belongs only to me.

Many say that I married the Catacomb, but one day I will leave it with my own strength after my mission is completed.

So what if they knew about my past? All they can do is sigh.

I hope you won't always ask questions like those blockheads.

Please don't put me with anyone. I like peace and quiet... Though I didn't say you should leave.

Happy New Year.

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

Stop greeting me all the time. Go do what you should do, Snowball.

It's always so quiet in the morning, but it'll become really noisy once those blockheads wake up.

Enjoy the dazzling noon sunlight by yourself, Snowball. I'm going to rest now.

I want to enjoy this peaceful night, Snowball. Don't let any paramecia bother me.

Spring Festival Voice

Happy New Year.

Obtain an Aurorian

I am Sikare, Keeper of the Crypt. Why do you look shocked? I hope the title didn't frighten you.

Receiving a gift

This doesn't catch my eye, Snowball.

The Dantes family will remember your gift, Snowball.

Receiving a preferred gift

Mmm, this is more like it.

You... Thank you.

Release Active Skill

Faria, open!

Faria, release!


Faria, be prepared.

Aurorian Trivia I

The Dantes family is not a subordinate of the True Order. Instead, they are allies. You must be able to tell the difference.

Aurorian Trivia II

Faria... It's the key to the Starry Crypt, and the Grave Keeper is the only one who can control it. You don't need to know much about this. I'll explain to you when I think it's necessary.

Aurorian Trivia III

Since I was born, my mission has been to guard this catacomb until I die, or... am reborn.

The Captain's Entrance

I'm not used to operating with others.