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Her Experiences

Miss Dawn... I am worried about her. I heard that her eyesight is poor, but she confidently said that she didn't need help and then went back to her room alone... %s was still worried and followed her from a distance to watch over her. And it didn't take long before a loud "bang" could be heard. I hurried over to see Miss Dawn lying on the ground... The cane she always used was also on the ground not far ahead of her. %s was going to help Miss Dawn up... and was pushed away by her. I watched as she scratched her hair that had become messy when she fell over and kept repeating things like: "I, I can do it myself!"
Hmm... After that, %s and I just couldn't help worrying about her. Who would have expected that Miss Dawn, who looked so unapproachable on the surface, would have such a cute side to her!

Her Story (I)

Hmm, I'm Dawn... We've met before, so I don't think it's necessary to introduce myself again.
Let me guess. You're waving your hand in front of my face... How do I know? Do you think I'm dumb! You're waving so hard that I can feel the air moving. That's not all though. I can feel it even if the air is still... I'm warning you! Don't say a word about how I fell before!
Speaking of it, thank you for picking up my wind chime staff. As you should know, I can't really see with my eyes, so I rely on this wind chime to locate my enemies' position in battle... You don't understand? I rely on the direction of the wind! The wind! There's probably no one who understands the wind better than me on this Colossus... You still don't get it? Oh right, I heard you're a Caelestite, and you have been living here alone for 17 years. It's understandable that you don't know about wind chimes... Forget it, since you're Eve's friend, I'll teach you when I have time.

Her Story (II)

In my memories, my mother was a strange person.
I don't understand why she gave birth to me since she didn't seem to love me and never even hugged me. In my childhood memories, the thing she did the most often was to perform calculations with bottles and jars or put on a pair of thick glasses to read books with covers that I couldn't even understand. She was always interested in those things, and it seemed like she forgot that she had a daughter—me. Whenever it was time to eat, she would perfunctorily give me some food without caring if it was enough for me... She even gave me a piece of moldy bread once, but I was so hungry that I gobbled it up. As a result, I was sick for three days with vomiting and diarrhea... Even then, I didn't receive my mother's care. She treated it like I had a cold and kept telling me that I would get better after sleeping more. She never realized it was because of the bread she gave me... After my mother died, I begged alone in the Undercity. One day, I saw a girl crying and screaming because she wanted a cake in the window. As I sneered at her childish behavior, I saw her mother soothe her gently and buy that cake. That was when I realized that was what a mother should have been like.
Why are you looking at me like that? I don't need any sympathy...

Her Story (III)

I first met Eve in that woman's lab.
I knew I wouldn't get along with her at first sight. She belonged to a different world than a "rat" that grew up in dark underground like me, let alone becoming friends. I was naive to mock and provoke her. I thought a lady like her would fire back out of anger. However, she never kept quiet. After a while, I lost interest so I just ignored her...
But I'm sure you heard about what happened later. Eve and I became pals because of the flower. Until then, I never thought someone like me would be friends with a lovely girl like Eve. Life in the lab wasn't so painful with her. She's like a ray of sunshine to me. I'll do my best to live and protect her!

Her Story (IV)

Back then, a fire broke out in the laboratory. My eyes were damaged when I tried to save the flower that Eve liked, making them the way they are now... I didn't care about my appearance, but I was worried that my current appearance would certainly frighten her if I met her again...
Eve told me in the past that her hometown is a beautiful place called Red-eye Gorge. I still remember how she was looking forward to seeing that flower bloom. She must still be alive somewhere in this world. While I waited for her to return, and to fulfill the promise I made to her, in the nine years after that, I waited for her in Red-eye Gorge and planted a field of dawn flowers! I thought that Eve would be overjoyed to see them!
In those nine years, I gradually became accustomed to living without vision and got used to relying on the wind to survive. Actually... I had long lost the conviction to keep living, but I would think of Eve whenever I thought of that sea of flowers... I would think that maybe she has always been waiting for me and for the flowers to bloom. I... I didn't want to disappoint Eve!
Fortunately, Eve and I were reunited in the end. Although it wasn't how I expected it, the ending was a good one.