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Rena Maeda

Tap on the Colossus Room

Lumopolis is my hometown, as well as the source of all my medical expertise. It's a place that has always been supportive of me and my goals.

The folks in Umbraton are something else. Every time I go there, the streets are filled with the bruised and bloody thanks to all the fighting!

White Night up high!

The best way to treat Eclipsites... is without mercy!

Lady Raphael can seem a bit reckless sometimes, but I assure you that she's an excellent doctor!

Lady Carleen must have gone through a lot to become as strong as she is now. She's a real fighter, isn't she?

Feeding birds, watering plants, cleaning the room... These are just a few hobbies that Lady Raphael suggested I get into!

I can't stand a boring, complacent life. It wears down one's ambitions and robs them of their motivation to improve themselves.

The Colossus appears to be a living creature... Which means it can get sick or injured, just like the rest of us. When that happens, how do you go about treating it?

Interact with the Colossus Room

I hope my combat skills and medical expertise can keep improving like this every day!

Change Assistant

Does someone need medical attention here?! What's that? You just need me to stand here? I guess... But how is this supposed to improve my skills as a doctor?

Battle Failed

I'm not afraid of failure or anything... but it still hurts.


Yes! Victory!

Unleash Chain Combos

It's just a little poke, don't move!

This is a necessary part of your treatment!

Active Skill is Ready

Preparation complete!

Enter the Formation

I'll do my best!

Aurorian Ascension I

Great, time to work even harder!

Aurorian Ascension II

Just leave everything to me!

Aurorian Ascension III

I'll be sure to reciprocate your faith in me.


Off to get some rest? Great, then I'll go study some of my medical textbooks. My time is very precious to me, so I have to make every second count!

Upgrade Successful

Any progress is fantastic news!

Voice Login

Alchemy Stars.

Happy New Year! I took half a day off to ring in the new year! Why just half a day? So I could use the other half to catch up on all my training for the day, of course!

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

If only I could be like Mr. John and lead an expert medical team that helps people all across Astra. There are still so many people suffering in the world that need treatment!

Combing Lady Raphael's hair always takes up so much time... Don't look at me like that! I never said I didn't enjoy it!

Even if a patient's chances of survival are slim, I refuse to give up on them! Just like those doctors who refused to give up on me.

I want to rescue all of my patients from the pain of their illnesses. But to realize that goal, I have to keep working as hard as possible.

Physical and Luminatics training are important for health, but you can't afford to neglect training your mind.

I've worked so hard all this time in anticipation of a chance like this, to realize my full potential! Thank you for believing in me; I won't let you down!

Now that we're friends, I also have a responsibility to ensure that you're always in good health! If you're ever feeling under the weather, don't hesitate to tell me, okay?

"Balance work and rest," you say? Sigh... Even though I constantly tell others the same, I sometimes have difficulty following my own advice. Thanks for the reminder. I'll try to make more time for rest.

So I got plenty of rest, just like you suggested... and now my work efficiency is through the roof! This works way better than pulling all-nighters, so thanks for the tip!

Make sure to attend routine medical check-ups! The sooner you discover a health problem, the easier it is to treat!

What on earth made Lady Raphael believe she could repair those damaged Fireflies with her Holy Water Shell...? Sorry, I'll go clean them up right away.

Our next battle will go even smoother, since I'm always improving myself!

Happy New Year! I took half a day off to ring in the new year! Why just half a day? So I could use the other half to catch up on all my training for the day, of course!

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

Always be aware of your body's state of wellness. It's the only one you've got, after all!

Good morning! If you have any missions to do today, please bring me along. I know I can be of great use to the team!

Good evening! You were busy all day too, huh? I've had my nose buried in my medical texts since the morning!

It's getting late. You should get some rest soon. Me? I'm not tired at all! Besides, there's still time for me to practice my Luminatics!

Spring Festival Voice

Happy New Year! I took half a day off to ring in the new year! Why just half a day? So I could use the other half to catch up on all my training for the day, of course!

Obtain an Aurorian

I'm Beretta, the field medic, and I was ordered to provide support. Are you in charge of this Colossus? Is anyone injured? Take me to them, and I'll treat them right away!

Receiving a gift

Can I use this to improve my medical skills...?

This is definitely getting put to good use!

Receiving a preferred gift

I love it! Thanks so much!

You really know what I like, Navigator! Thanks a bunch!

Release Active Skill

Shine, Borealis Plume!

All my hard work was for this moment!


Medical equipment is sterilized and ready to use!

Aurorian Trivia I

As a field medic, my job is not only to support my allies, but also to reduce any other combat-related risks as much as possible. In order to perform my duties to the best of my ability, I have to work nonstop and keep improving myself!

Aurorian Trivia II

I was seriously ill in the past, but a medical team led by Mr. John saved my life. The cross-shaped scar on my forehead isn't just a souvenir from that surgery; it's evidence of the skill and kindness of the doctors who rescued me.

Aurorian Trivia III

Even though I'm frequently dispatched to any place that needs my help, I voluntarily chose to take care of Lady Raphael. She's an extremely gifted doctor, and I know I can learn a lot just by being at her side.

The Captain's Entrance

Alright, leave it to me!