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Kana Ueda

Tap on the Colossus Room

Northland is the only place where we can survive, especially for my sister...

Following the instructions of Her Majesty the Queen, I will watch over Lumopolis carefully with my mirror.

For the North.

There's no need to comment on them. Those ordinary yet harmful substances have no chance of breaching the Northland.

She is the Northland itself and shelters everything pure. This is also why I admire her.

Although she is a little noisy, the Queen has said that it's a good thing since she livens up the Northland palace.

White flowers, leisure time, fresh clean smells...and my sister.

I dislike anything that isn't clean, the mentioning of such things disgusts me.

It's hard to find such a pure white color. I can tell that you cherish it.

Interact with the Colossus Room

Do you like the White Narcissus? I'll let you watch for a little longer then.

Change Assistant

From the look on your face, I don't feel like I can say no to you.

Battle Failed

Geez, clothes are soiled.


Is this not the perfect outcome you desired?

Unleash Chain Combos

May there be peace and quiet.

It should be peaceful and quiet to begin with.

Active Skill is Ready

The Northland flowers are blooming.

Enter the Formation

Get it over with.

Aurorian Ascension I

What's clearer? The past or the future?

Aurorian Ascension II

The fate of two worlds shall be connected!

Aurorian Ascension III

I've finally crossed the far dimension.


On a relaxing day, even the sky is bluer than usual!

Upgrade Successful

I'm waiting for more flowers to bloom.

Voice Login

Alchemy Stars.

I guess I'll wish you a happy New Year.

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

Is it urgent? You don't look like you're here for anything official... If that's the case, please allow me to excuse myself first.

Is what you're talking about right now really that important? You're... too close to me...

Self-discipline is a great virtue. What I mean is, can you try not to touch the mirror or the petals?

Once upon a time, the White Narcissus always stared at Lake Mirror... Well, where was the other flower? What flower was it?

The flower of the Northland and the mirror, two reconnected worlds—which side is real?

The White Narcissus is in full bloom again. We are twin mirror images, and we will live on from the ancient fable and continue our story.

If it doesn't happen naturally, then it'll become a struggle for us both. Is that what you're wishing for?

You may gain slight favor from me, but nothing else, are you satisfied with that?

If we manage to find ourselves again one day... my only hope is that you'll also be in my new memories.

Keep your distance and watch what you say and do. If you do that, my sister will be slightly more accepting of you.

Don't tell me you need me to praise you?... Let me think about it.

I feel a little uneasy... like a small stone falling into a lake.

I guess I'll wish you a happy New Year.

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

Hmm? Have you any business related to me?

Ah! I see, your strength're an early riser.

I heard the sound of you returning, so it doesn't need to be made such a big deal out of. That's all.

It's quite obvious that you've disturbed me... So, rest earlier.

Spring Festival Voice

I guess I'll wish you a happy New Year.

Obtain an Aurorian

Don't behave rudely, and don't complain that Nikinis didn't remind you. Geez, everything outside the Northland is so barbaric.

Receiving a gift

I shouldn't have expected anything from you... Hmph.

It is an expected gift, so I didn't look forward to it.

Receiving a preferred gift

It's actually pretty good? I'll take it.

This... It's quite good this time. Well, thank you then, I guess.

Release Active Skill

Wither and bloom—

These are the spring blossoms of heaven—


I don't need you to remind me.

Aurorian Trivia I

I lost my memory and any sense of nostalgia at the same time. From then on, I care not for the world outside.

Aurorian Trivia II

Time will not rewind the fallen flowers nor my love.

Aurorian Trivia III

The Northland guards the secret of the world. The sealed memories of the White Narcissus will be the last warning to the continent.

The Captain's Entrance

To say it once, and only once, that's how we do in Northland.