Development and updates on this website have come to an end. There won't be any more update in the foreseeable future.
More details here
Firefly Keeper

Firefly Keeper

When deployed to the Lumina Grid, the recovery rate of Fireflies +5% per hour.

Prism Focus

Prism Focus

When deployed to the Prism Pillar, the extra Prism recovery rate +20% per hour.

Group Talks

Philyshy:(Philyshy) Ahh... The weather is beautiful... I could go for a nap... Meow...
Mia:(Baba Yaga) Is that a sleeping kitty over there? Let me go scare her a bit!
Mia:(Baba Yaga) Here, kitty kitty kitty... The big bad wolf's come for dinner!
Philyshy:(Philyshy) *Yawn* Great... What's for dinner...?
Mia:(Baba Yaga) We're having my favorite... CAT KABOBS!
Philyshy:(Yumi) Nyaa! Who's scratchin' me?!
Philyshy:(Yumi) What do you think you're doing, you jerk?! Were you trying to hurt Philyshy?
Philyshy:(Yumi) I'll bite yer ears off!
Mia:(Baba Yaga) Oh no! I gotta get out of here!
Mia:(Mia) Aaaaaaah!!!
Mia:(Mia) W-Why did you bite me?!
Mia:(Mia) *Sniff* Did... Did Baba Yaga do something bad again...?