Development and updates on this website have come to an end. There won't be any more update in the foreseeable future.
More details here


When deployed to the Exploration Office, increases MS readings recovery rate by 10%.

Mastery: Crafting

Mastery: Crafting

-20% Atomic Reagents cost when deployed in Workshop.

Group Talks

Gronru:How many more secrets are hidden within this Colossus...
Gronru:Powerful engines, the ability to fly, perfect exterior, and plenty of amenities within...
Gronru:I really want to know how the Colossus was designed and built.
Zoya:So Chief Gronru is also interested in the Colossus?
Gronru:Oh? You too?
Zoya:Y... yes! When I first boarded the Colossus. I became fascinated with it...
Zoya:It's a pity the others don't even realize how incredible it is...
Gronru:Oh, yeah!
Gronru:All they do is waste time on snacks and naps.
Gronru:They don't know they are living in a miracle. The purpose of existence of this miracle is wasted on them.
Zoya:Chief, by the purpose of existence of this miracle, you mean?
Gronru:Well, we're supposed to take it apart and study it, of course!
Gronru:You know what? Let's take it apart now! Help me!